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Posts posted by D TOTAL

  1. 18 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Obviously don't know for sure, but it certainly felt like Mackay was his right hand man in all but name last season anyway.

    Considering last season is that a good thing , I’m not sure what nicholl did or if he left cause he refused a pay cut but he didn’t really fit in my opinion?

  2. Arbroath- £220
    Ayr-£130(half season ticket)
    Dundee-(£340- can be paid in 4 instalments)
    Dunfermline -(£250)
    Inverness-(£208 or £246)
    Raith-(250 I think)

    With prices like that it’s no wonder Arbroath are out selling us, there’s loads you can do with season tickets to entice people , 20% off club shop , 10% off food and drink bring a mate for half price...heaps you could do we just don’t all we do is you can pay In an installation although it’s still £340 quid no ifs buts or maybes

  3. But the German, Spanish and Portuguese league are still on , I’ll give you the fact that they make more money via tv and the like , but so are the Norwegian, Swiss , Austrian and evening the Armenian leagues , surely they would have the same worries as us and the rest of the world?


    I’d wonder if you were to ask the clubs would they want to finish the league good and proper,obviously not possible now considering the amount of players leaving and the fact of the vote

  4. That’s callachan away to Hamilton, As for Meekings he could of been a coup signing for us but as has been previously stated very meh, hardly been a standout especially considering the CB’s we’ve ha to partner him couple options to replace him on the cheap with all the contract out of date namely Marcus Fraser or even being Gary MacKenzie home , I wonder if Mcpake will go for Mullen now

  5. 6 hours ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

    Finally, an actual rumour! Apparently we're looking at Lee Ashcroft, Dunfermline's mainstay CB, if we can't get Berra back.


    Also unrelated, but Letheren is open to a return at some point.

    I wouldn’t actually mind letheren on a 1 year deal, it’s my opinion that goalkeepers get better with age although my opinion doesn’t exactly constitute as fact 

  6. Are you guys really that thick! 
    We are as good, if not better than you lot (as we proved last season by not losing a single game against you!) plus we have a decent enough squad. 
    Robertson will likely leave but he's easily replaced, and we will still be successful! 
    Stupid Dundee twats!! 

    Robertson is so underrated by you lot, he’s hardly easily replaced he’s got you over achieving since he came in
  7. Actually with crisp n’ dry being an actual brand it’s got me wondering what’s the worst one we’ve had ?and what’s the worst one we COULD have?


    Also is there a brand that would be considered too far like lovehunny or durex that would cause outrage? Considering we are more than happy to have betting companies and breweries


    Now I’m not at all that articulate but I’m sure you know what I’m getting at

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