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Posts posted by D TOTAL

  1. 14 hours ago, This Charming Man said:

    The Dark Blues safely advance with a game to spare (no thanks to James McP as yet, imho),  Dabs make their excuses and exit stage left, shame although amusing as always. 

    More to the point, hopefully all going well in the near future when we're all allowed to attend again at Dens my pre-match DJ request would be...........................

    The Wah, The Story of the Blues.

     For you younger ones out there, worth a listen if not familiar. With respect, what would be your choices be out there? (Yes, Sir I can boogie not accepted).   

    1737308436_OIP(16).jpg.c10ddd068d06f4eca9460488e44fea4f.jpg Respectful regards





    So I took a look ,quite enjoyable, 25 never heard of it before or the band 10/10 would recommend to friends 


  2. What kind of budget/wage would we have for an incoming manager? Would TW be a cheap option considering he’s been out the game for 6 months but he left saints in a decent position , has his stock gone up now as I assume he’s have other teams down south that would take a punt on him, should we not look further forward than past managers/players and the guys from the house next door?

  3. 7 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

    And that's fine. If you'd never heard of him but seen he's been at Peterhead (a club who pay exceptionally generously for their level) and they've accomplished next to nothing from that with him.. What makes you think he'd make a good choice for Dundee, considering you don't even appear to know his name? 

    The only factor I considered was longevity we went through 4/5 managers in his time at Peterhead so on that basis alone I assumed he was competent

  4. 1 hour ago, Mr. Alli said:

    He played for and won this league for Dundee. Its nothing to do with him being an Arab. 

    A wee bitty before my time, I’d never heard of the guy before 


    it’s also been made abundantly clear he’s terrible and is should never be mentioned again 



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