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Posts posted by D TOTAL

  1. 11 minutes ago, Yenitit said:

    Look at the goalkeeper, defence and midfield alone. Bar Marshall and Ashcroft  they’re all players who have either played for us in the Premier league or signed from clubs in the Premier league. They will be getting Premier league type wages hence the losses Tim Keyes founds every season. There’s players in there that we’ve even paid money for. St Mirren said at the time they couldn’t offer Jakubiak what we had and Ashcroft reportedly knocked back St Johnstone for us. Then there’s players signing new deals for us recently with opportunities to sign for top flight teams. They aren’t here because they are desperate to be, they’re here for the dough end of. Which again Tim Keyes has to be thanked for. Outside of Hearts no one else is running about with those type squads. Raith, Dunfermline, Ayr, Inverness players won’t be on anything like ours. Queen of the South went into the season with hardly even a player signed, then you’ve got part time players on probably £200/300 per week.  I’d imagine there’s a huge gulf between us and Hearts and then a huge gulf between us and the rest. 

    Dundee FC, the perennial under achievers. 

    We paid for Hamilton pre covid so that’s null really and I doubt he’s on a huge wave considering he was hearts 2nd keeper, Ferrie came through the youth another cheap wage , legzdins hasn’t played since 2017 again doubt his wage is huge

    marshall came from QoS and who were almost relegated again cheap Byrne fair enough but livi wages and ours will be the same 

    ashcroft is surely can’t be on a huge wage whether st Johnstone put in an offer or not 

    surely we can offer better wages than st mirren regardless of divisions

    The rest are all youth or injury table dross


  2. With covid going on why do people think we still have the 2nd largest budget, except for Charlie Adam I look around the squad a d see generally cheap players, a squad full of mostly kids, pensioners(in football terms) and and perma crocs with a little sprinkle of bang average league 1/ champ players

    if mcpake was given a better budget than the rest of the league I surely hope head spend better than this

  3. After his recent stints at both Bradford and Morton would anyone take David Hopkin or is his reputation shot as a manager/head coach?

    Same with Stephen Robinson about 6 months ago he was away to bigger better things then all of a sudden Motherwell were pure Shan over night is his reputation shot?

    im not comparing either names with mcpake im just curious if they’d fit our club or if they will have to build their portfolio again

  4. 3 minutes ago, Hayshead2 said:

    Too busy spending there money (that they don't really have) on technical directors and so called big name player's.

    The pitch and the ground in general is in a sad state but as I said more important things to spend there money on.

    This is just sad, as has been mentioned already, welcome and f**k up

  5. 3 hours ago, Gold Dee said:

    if we can't get Mcmullen from the dab's this window we need to get more pace into the team. Has Mcpake said if he is trying to get players in during this window?

    A new manager would be ideal but if he's still here after that embarrassment on saturday i fear we are stuck with the idiot for the rest of the season.

    Can’t blame Mcpake too much last week , any other day we win 6-0/6-1 from the amount of chances we had, also kept possession really well and their keeper probably had the best game of his career so 

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