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Posts posted by D TOTAL

  1. 9 minutes ago, RossDee01 said:

    I’d rather Stephen Robinson than the fat grass anyway.

    Even Neil McCann outclassed the fat grass.

    Agreed. Most of Robinson’s signings should have improved their squad I’m just unsure what it was that went wrong for him, especially if he got a huge chunk of change from turnbull transfer (£3 mil if I mind correctly)



  2. 5 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    I'll list all of McCann's signings in full. You can decide who was a dud and who was not.

    Roarie Deacon- could have been good
    Scott Allan- very good just with a better striker would have made more of an impact 
    Lewis Spence-bang average but nowhere near our worst
    Randy Wolters-less said
    Jack Hendry-record fee says it all
    Glen Kamara-what should have been a record fee
    Sofien Moussa-not a fan , but not our worst
    Eliott Parish-good 2nd choice 
    Josh Meekings-good signing on the whole of not for injuries
    Jon Aurtenetxe-decent enough 
    A-Jay Leitch Smith-good impact 
    Jeremy Malherbe- pointless 
    Daniel Jefferies-sure he was highly rated 
    Cedwyn Scott-not given a chance
    Simon Murray-can’t fault his heart, just his ability 
    Genseric Kusunga-more hit than miss
    Steven Caulker- still can’t believe this
    Elton Ngwatala-should have been given longer 
    Karl Madianga-ditto
    Jack Hamilton-good 2nd keeper, shame we paid a fee
    Nathan Ralph-people liked him, I didn’t 
    Jean Mendy-pish
    Adil Nabi-could have done more
    Kenny Miller-decent enough 
    Benjamin Kallman-not much of an impact 
    Ryan Inniss- not ready for 1st team football 
    Calvin Miller- promised more than he gave


    Only my opinion 

  3. 2 hours ago, johnnydun said:

    Not if his duty is wing back, then good crossing is a must.

    Again that comes down to formations , fair enough IF he is playing wingback a good ball in is a bonus but I’m not gonna sit and criticise a defender for not putting in killer balls when that’s clearly not his game

  4. 1 hour ago, johnnydun said:

    Kerr's final ball is awful, always over hits it. I don't know how a professional footballer can not drop a ball into an area between the 6 yard box and the edge of the box, when I could do it 9 out of 10 times as an amateur.

    Personally I don’t particularly care how good or bad a defenders final ball is , can he defend is he quick, can he jump, an added bonus is a decent cross but priority is defensive duties , if we are playing a balls in the box game that role is up to the wingers surely with a defender only there for support just in case

  5. 56 minutes ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

    Depends on what the clause states, but I'd believe that would be the percentage. If it's the reported £1.75 million that Celtic would be receiving from Oostende, we'd get £175k, and tbh I'd be pleasantly surprised if it were any more than that. Still plenty to work with at this level though.

    Are you referring to other sell on clauses or just their sales? We'd already sold Hendry for the club record, fair to say that we considered him one for the future. Why would McCann insist on a sell on clause if it wasn't in there?

    We’ve received more from 3 of McCanns players than we have in the last 20 Years? No matter what you say the guys got an eye for potential 

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