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Posts posted by D TOTAL

  1. I’d have Watt over McCormack purely because Watt is match fit and I don’t think McCormack has trained never mind played a game , the MacLean shout is an interesting one he’s never been a striker for out and out pace so could be a good option to come of the bench for a season or 2 and middle table championship club is probably his level 


    What happened to that American dude we had on trial months ago , was he pish?

  2. I don’t blame Johnson one bit , came here with the expectation of first team good luck to him , should have played a lot more I’m really beginning to lose faith in mcpake and beginning to question if he even has a plan in place, I’d be fine with the results and if it was a squad of youth he was trying to bleed through, but that’s seasoned professionals on the pitch , his tactics are so negative it’s unreal and where the heck is nichol and why is he not in his ear the whole time?

  3. Looking back, Hibs fans have given almost unanimous praise to Murray, particularly in their title-winning season in 16/17. Seems to have fallen out of favour in the return to the Premiership years due to his youth. Sounds like he could be an interesting option.

    Rated or not he’s played less than 30 games in his career , I think we need a bit more experience considering how naive we’ve been not just in midfield all over , I never saw enough in hazard to warrant bringing him back his only 2 redeeming features being his height and the fact he’s not Hamilton

    Another thing I’m concerned about is our options coming off the bench with 3 of them being children , Forster being one and Ferrie who nobody obviously trusts hardly set the world on fire with his appearances so far which leaves our only recognised bench player is Johnson of which you could make an argument he should be on the pitch
  4. Anyone else concerned about the lack of signings talk, usually around now we at least have alleged targets, so far we’ve heard one name in callachan ,not long left of the window

    On PCA front all we’ve heard is Rooney and Forrest with the former very meh and the later unlikely considering who else is apparently after him

  5. I normally come away from having watched a managers post match interview with a little encouragement.
    McPake's post match interview on Dee TV suggests he's done. Not officially, not like he will get sacked or anything but just his general demeanour. He's a broken man presiding over a broken club being watched or avoided as was the case last night, by a broken support.
    His statistics are worse than Kernaghan's. Only the fact that McIntyre was our manager last season saves me from saying McPake is our worst ever.
    I thought I was at my lowest supporting Dundee when John Brown was appointed little more than half a decade ago. This is so, so, so much worse. Unimaginably worse.
    McCann annoys me more than most. Squandering hundreds of thousands on the likes of Jack Hamilton.
    He started this rot and two complete and utter duds have carried on his work.

    I actually liked Brown tbh, if defended Hamilton in the past , but enough is enough for me, I still feel more of the blame should be placed on the defence but Hamilton does himself no favours, but Connor hazard isn’t not the answer
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