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Everything posted by Rodhull

  1. It's fine. Wouldn't go overboard about it. It reminds me of the recent Assassins Creed games where its a big giant map with a ton of icons for things to do, which i like but is not to everyones taste. Can definitely get repetitive though. I used Microsoft Rewards points I'd saved up so didn't use any of my own money on it. So I'd maybe be harsher if I'd spent around £60 on it.
  2. Well should save us some money from Goodwin's compensation at least.
  3. Most of the last ten minutes has been McIntyre having a stiffy over the "awkward" press conference for the cup final. Seems far happier talking about that than any of the games.
  4. Man if this really is everyone that's in the running it really is pretty uninspiring.
  5. Rodhull

    The Last Of Us

    Good episode again. They really look to be maintaining the quality all the way through. From the trailer it looks like episode 7 is covering the .
  6. Some going to go from a 4-4 draw to a 7-0 win against same opponents a couple days later. Guessing the lineups were probably quite different and maybe there were some red cards for a pumping that big?
  7. Bit of a non update really. Just asking fans to be patient as they're taking their time. Says Burrows will be involved in the "next step" when he starts.
  8. Sure if you just ignore the context of the person who posted it being a massive troll. Previous threads would suggest there will now be weeks of him posting about how Gunn is actually the worst goalkeeper Scotland could choose and about how he is a genius and anyone that disagrees with him is an idiot.
  9. Oh well that's likely another thread in this forum unreadable now that numbers boy has chosen another hill to troll from.
  10. Rodhull

    The Last Of Us

    Yeah I've gone back and watched the episode again and you're probably right. I really liked the bonding stuff between Joel and Ellie but I think ep. 5 probably is stronger. The way they did the Henry and Sam stuff was really good and I didn't mind any of the changes, it probably just hit a bit harder in the game for me because you get to spend a lot more time with them.
  11. Rodhull

    The Last Of Us

    Episode 5 although decent was definitely the weakest episode so far for me.
  12. Yeah that definitely sounds a good appointment on paper. Must mean that Cormack is prepared to take more of a back seat surely? Or at the very least have a lower profile.
  13. Probably not wise me posting this in the wrong thread to be honest. Was meant for the club thread obviously.
  14. Robson saying Morris has been injured for a while and is out for the season. Odd that there was speculation for him being punted in the window when he was likely already injured by the sound of it. Not sure why the club is so weird about announcing injuries at times.
  15. Rodhull

    The Last Of Us

    Episode 4's another strong one and the trailer for ep.5 looks great too. I see episode 5 is being shown on Friday in the states because of the superbowl. I'm guessing Sky will show it early as well.
  16. Hughes just said that by sticking with the same goalie you create competition for places but by changing them about there's no competition for places. Mind-boggling.
  17. Has there been that many? With Calderwood and McInnes lasting a while Motherwell probably have had more in the last 20 years or so I reckon?
  18. Dunno but I honestly think most sides would have seen a bit of humour in coasting to a win after getting an extremely dubious decision in their favour a few minutes in like that. The claiming of victimhood after getting everything in their favour is normally something reserved by Celtic fans.
  19. I've genuinely never seen a fan base so raging to have won a game before.
  20. Jeez this has descended into such a low level petty nonsense it makes old firm threads look witty. Can't believe its still going on.
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