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Everything posted by Rodhull

  1. Tory masquerading as someone who opposes a significant percentage of Tory policies. He's really going deep with this subterfuge isn't he?
  2. We haven't played St.Mirren twice. At least wait for the bad results to happen before complaining about them man.
  3. So you're saying it should be given even though it was a dive?
  4. Weren't you greeting about a penalty not being given for a blatant dive in a game from months ago? Behave yourself.
  5. No one to blame but ourselves. Mcinnes settling for 1-0 threw the advantage back to a St. Johnstone side who never looked like being in the game before that. We’re probably lucky the cards happened then as the momentum was only going one way.
  6. Can’t see us creating much here besides set pieces. Hopefully I’m wrong.
  7. Dire stuff. Just surrendered the advantage to them in the last ten minutes or so.
  8. Maybe but feels like it’s giving away a lot of possession too.
  9. This is a pretty brutal watch. Dons should be further ahead but can see us sitting back in the second half if we don’t get another early. Kennedy looks like he’ll get joy against Logan but besides that St Johnstone look pretty poor going forward so far. Aberdeen smashing it long too often for me.
  10. Think it was just one boy who thought him going just before the financials are announced was a sign that they're not very good and Milne is either jumping or being forced out. Desperation on the United fan's part obviously.
  11. I'm sure the son of a billionaire stuff and the idea that someone is going to invest significant money into us will end up being exaggerated heavily. Guessing it'll just end up like the Hibs takeover where there's maybe a bit more money and stability as a result of it but no significant changes to the day to day ambitions of the club. Cormack will have his own ideas for how the club should be run of course but supporters are likely best staying realistic and not getting carried away.
  12. I think that was to do with allegations that were made against some of the local residents who were leading that campaign against the stadium being built and they either went to the authorities about the thread or threatened to. I'm not saying no-one was in favour of the new stadium but I still don't think many were against the idea of Pittodrie being developed as the preferred option. That was described as not being an option at the time so people made the best of what was seemingly the only option available against the oddballs giving it the full end is nigh, the sky is falling down nonsense that accompanied the thread about it.
  13. Wouldn't imagine there will be many. Think anyone that defended it only did so because of the hysterical over-reaction of those against it. I think ideally pretty much everyone would prefer Pittodrie to be re-developed.
  14. Ah weird I was certain it was. Old age has fucked my memory once again.
  15. Didn't we get bummed off Georgia after winning away to France?
  16. I quite like Cornette's podcasts for the most part but man that's just an inexcusably stupid thing to say. Hard to imagine how anyone with his level of experience doing commentary would think that was something that wouldn't cause issues.
  17. Behave. People’s weird obsession with blaming Mckenna solely for every goal Scotland concede is baffling. Yeah he should have closed the man down quicker but it was a ridiculous strike and there there were multiple mistakes by other players in the lead up to it as well. Gallagher was just as ropey as Mckenna was against Cyprus but as none of his mistakes were punished it went unremarked upon. Fact is if it had been Mckenna that headed the ball backwards for Cyprus’s goal he would have been slaughtered for it (I don’t blame Gallagher for the goal either but that’s kind of my point).
  18. As much as the goal not being given is an issue Cyprus should have also had a man sent off after the guy kneecapped Taylor long after the whistle went. It’s as hard to believe the officials missed that as the phantom goal. Taylor very lucky he didn’t get a serious injury from a tackle that high.
  19. At least the headless chicken tends to chase after the defenders and close them down. Mcburnie manages to make himself look too knackered to do that within ten minutes of coming on. Also, can’t afford to have Burke on and give someone else the headless chicken role.
  20. Will certainly take that. Thought both the fullbacks were as good as the two centre backs were poor. Christie and Mcginn were good again. By far our best attacking threats. Mcburnie is a worry again. I still have no idea what sort of role he’s meant to be playing.
  21. He said he was the best he’s played with as presumably that was the question he was asked. Chances are he’s not going to have many teammates he hates.
  22. Still looked far better than Mcburnie ever has for Scotland and who knows how many he would score in the Scottish Championship. Martin isn’t the best Striker Scotland has but he’s clearly one of the better ones of those available and should make The squad. Only reasonable target man type I can think of if Fletcher no longer wants to play.
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