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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. A lot of people getting mad at this election result. Mostly those who would like to own Venezuela's natural resources.
  2. 'I can't believe the arbitrary fiscal rules we've self imposed on ourselves are going to prevent us from doing stuff that we didn't want to do anyway"
  3. The fact he never waited until they were in the back of the wagon before putting the boot in indicates he's not received the proper training. 6 months off the beat and sent to PC Cabe for re-education.
  4. The most passionate #Barclays fans are from Africa and Asia anyway nowadays. Only right that they get to see their heroes in the flesh week in week out.
  5. I imagine it's been said already, but very bad celticy vibes from Bruges with what could easily be a Celtic away top and a big shamrock on the front.
  6. Remember Savage Garden ? What were that all about ?
  7. Nothing like a bit of genocide to bring some bipartisan healing to the fractured American ruling class.
  8. Landfill Indie genre absolutely powering ahead here.
  9. Not a band obviously, but Emeli Sandè was everywhere then nowhere.
  10. There's anywhere between 500,000 and 1 million properties sitting empty in the UK at any one time. Including around 250,000 long term empty properties. So it's less of a supply/demand thing and more of a landlord thing.
  11. You're laughing ? There's some fucking nerd in a suit on Wall Street crying right now and you're laughing ?
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