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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Anyone who believes that they should be monitoring and/or deciding what content is posted on here should apply to join the moderating team.
  2. Trump was obviously unique in 2016 having that nationwide name recognition, outsider anti political establishment feel and a level of charisma. Both DeSantis and now Vance have been identified as the potential heir apparent and both have absolutely melted after coming into the wider public view, as they're unpleasant goons who only appeal to a minority of terminally online oddballs. The worry has always been that a smarter, more aware, less openly polarising version of Trump appears, although you would expect the men in grey suits faction of the Republicans to mount a counter coup to regain control of the party again.
  3. Shifty Adam Schiff is weak sauce. Should just be Adam Schiffty.
  4. I'm sure this line of attack will go down well with everyone who has zero intention of voting Democrat anyway. Outside of that, I doubt it will make much difference. I'm not sure how much impact the choice of running mate will actually have in this election, but the Republicans are probably weaker in this regard given how much of a weirdo Vance is.
  5. The woke marxist globalists have banned whistling.
  6. Short of some sort of massive collaboration between hedge funds and global corporations to match their 'let's just chuck billions' at this attitude, they're going to have to be involved. They've got their foot well and truly in the door now anyway. The key is surely maximising their financial input while minimising their influence and dogshit 51 man field, 27 holes of Texas Scramble type programme.
  7. It's been increasingly obvious that Golf at the pro level is an US led administrative shambles. Long past time we had a proper elite world tour with the current tours all on a similar level feeding in to it.
  8. It take it by moderate, you mean more like a Republican ? Walz ticks two key boxes. He's not as openly pro genocide as others in the Democratic Party and therefore can potentially claw back some votes lost over Gaza. He's also a former blue collar worker and relatively pro union, who could theoretically speak to the fabled rust belt, dispossessed 'white working class' in key swing states. Both these groups are vital if Harris is to take the White House. Shapiro speaks to neither.
  9. How has that starting line up got even worse than Saturday's ?
  10. Update 1st round of fixtures in the bag. 14 goals scored this week. Popular picks McGrath, Hatate and Trapanovski all scoring meaning around 25 of the 85 (so far) entries are off the mark. No table or that with it being so early, but the 'leader' at the moment is @Butters Scotch who has both McGrath and Trapanovski in his team. Shout out to @Mark scott too who is also on 2 goals as the only poster to pick the current Premiership top scorer Oisin Smyth. Still open for business if anyone wants to join. Rules are in the opening post and below. Every player who scored this weekend is now locked in and can't be chosen by anyone joining or as a replacement for any transfer window departure.
  11. Aberdeen may rue not getting a 2nd goal there. Saints might sneak on here with some good old fashioned Leveinball
  12. Clancy has the vibe of that one teacher at school you really hated.
  13. The Premier League should bring the opening day forward to next weekend, would be a real statement. #Barclaysnotbigotry
  14. 5 year in the jail for looting Greggs though. I couldn't look at a steak bake ever again if that was me.
  15. Blair and Brown were key architects of the Iraq War and 'The War on Terror' though, huge drivers of Islamophobia and both continued and streamlined the Thatcherite consensus. They are both absolutely culpable alongside the rest of the political and media class.
  16. Biggie is right in a way, politicians are a large part of the problem. Communist Starmer was banging on about deporting Bangladeshis just a few weeks ago.
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