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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Attempting to pin the lack of a ceasefire deal on Trump is both laughable and pretty low by the Democrats here.
  2. Video editing is my passion. 0819-01_1724315557501.mp4
  3. Annual Drug Deaths announced tomorrow. Up or down? SnpBad or Westminster Bad?
  4. Has she pulled out the race? Thought she'd just quit as deputy.
  5. Looking forward to this game.
  6. The opening #Barclays fixture should not be on a Friday night. This is more akin to something you would find in a farmers league. The game has gone.
  7. Probably stopped them losing a few extra votes at the GE tbf. That's all that matters.
  8. Hoping Gallacher wins purely so I can just post this everytime she opens her mouth.
  9. Off to pitch a movie idea to Netflix about the elite Mcglashan Battalion caught behind enemy lines trying to liberate the stone and return it to it's rightful home.
  10. Scottish rocks for Scottish people. Bring it home.
  11. These empty headed nats in their Shortbread Senate Leek Legislative.
  12. Wasn't charged back in 2010, but there's been a few rumours/incidents happened since then as well.
  13. Imagine when these jobbers actually come up against a decent European side.
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