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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Rioting is a separate crime/charge though.
  2. 26 months for shouting at the polis. Wtf
  3. Aye, but I wouldn’t be replacing the 60 degree wedge in my bag for one.
  4. It was a typical summer's night, stuffy, needing a good shower to clear the air, even if the rain couldn't also wash the scum from the streets. Detective Homer Thompson lit another cigarette, his third in the past hour as he watched the crowd disperse after yet another night of posting. "Fools" he murmured to himself, If only they knew. The moderating team of the Los Angeles Police Department had been chasing a thread, a vicious thread, but now it looked like they were dealing with a copycat...
  5. There was a What is the point of Labour? thread which covered all their pointless goings on from main to branch offices, then a new thread specifically about their current and forthcoming time in government. This was fine, optimal even given the double figure number of threads that sprout up about the SNP and the Tories that could easily be streamlined. But no, it had to be f**ked with for no reason.
  6. Don't think we'll get him, but Allan Campbell has a nice and plain, comforting Scottish name. Like one of yer da's pals at work he's always talking about but you never meet. "Allan Campbell says he'll cover my shift next Friday, he's one of the good guys, you'd like him, he's got a son about your age anaw"
  7. Musk is a confirmed moron, which he reinforces every time he picks up his phone to tweet.
  8. Walz looks like someone has asked AI to generate an Australian Prime Minister based on what the last 4 or 5 looked like.
  9. Rumours Bowie is off to Aberdeen instead. Get the money spent elsewhere then.
  10. He was never deposed so Syria has technically always been under his rule, although just like during the height of the civil war there's various US/Israeli, Turkish and Iranian proxies roaming about. I'm not sure but Turkey actually might still be officially occupying part of Northern Syria. And the US squatting on the oil obviously.
  11. Assad backed Syrian tribal forces in skirmishes with US proxies in Northern Syria.
  12. If you fly with the gulls, you get shot with the gulls
  13. Lots of face coverings there. Straight to jail imo.
  14. No, I don't think so, are you ?
  15. What if the hotel was owned by an evil billionaire and contained 3 baby Hitlers and a colony of seagulls ?
  16. People post any old shite, the overwhelming majority of which is already in the public domain and can be easily searched for (or indeed pushed on to you via social media) anything deemed to be in contravention of the site rules or reported is usually removed by the mods. Nobody's clicking on a Tommy Robinson video on P&B and suddenly being radicalised.
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