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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. "Sharon... SHARON, where did you put me nunchunks luv ? Me and lads are off t'Southport to celebrate memory of them dead girls"
  2. Not wanting to give any credit to Farage, but he's at least capable of coherent dog whistling rather than Wacky's stream of consciousness, old man shouting at clouds stuff.
  3. This will probably get worse before it gets better. We should do something to address the structural drivers of marginalisation and discontent imo.
  4. Trump has lost that edge, age clearly getting to him. Running out of juice. Low energy Don.
  5. Big words from Musk who shat out of a fight with Zuckerberg.
  6. Bus loads of coked up arseholes arriving from afar and battling with the polis is exactly what this community needed after the most traumatising event in living memory. True patriots.
  8. I'd much rather the US spent a good chunk of their military budget on a pointless Iron Dome defensive system rather than giving it to various fucking nutjobs around the world.
  9. More of a sadist than an arsehole, but I don't really think the two cases are comparable. Sutcliffe's crimes took place over a very long period and his admission of guilt came well before his claim that 'God told him to do it' He was convicted of multiple murders by a jury of his peers who rejected his defense of diminished responsibility and the psychiatric reports stating he was a paranoid schizophrenic.
  10. The line is usually drawn by the courts, doctors, psychiatrists etc Not all arseholes have mental health issues, but I'll stick my neck out and say an arsehole who stabs multiple young children is highly likely to be seriously unwell, mentally. I don't think anyone is arguing that tbh. I don't think it's a stretch to say that while it wouldn't completely eradicate incidents or individuals like this, more and better funded services should identify and mitigate.
  11. Stabbing multiple children is in fact the sign of an incredibly healthy brain.
  12. 2 battalions redeployed from Gaza to try and quash the potential civil war over criminalising rape.
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