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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. That makes me dislike him even more tbh.
  2. Daisley will be tumescent at the thought of Ruth's return. Ross has massive creepy weirdo vibes of the 'politically active Tory from a young age' type. I actually think this is a decent short term move for them though. The Colonel does her thing in Holyrood, while Ross gets 8 months to talk shite to lapdog journalists without anyone holding him to account. Long term ? How long do you think a visionary who answers the question 'If you were Prime Minister for the day, with no repercussions, what would you do ? And answers ' I'd crack down on the Gypos' is likely to last ?
  3. 18 holes in the pissing rain at Royal Musselburgh today. 3 doubles in the first 3 holes so the scorecard was ripped up, but I finished not too bad after sorting the driving out. The 18th hole, with the lovely baronial style clubhouse behind, probably a better sight than the course itself tbh.
  4. Massive fan of the OP's debut album THE ST MIRREN DEFEAT THREAD (featuring Heart of Midlothian), so will be keeping an eye on this one.
  5. I'll 2nd this. Been to Menorca half a dozen times in the last 10 years. Fantastic place.
  6. People are now being cancelled for not reading a Spiked article. So much for the tolerant left smh.
  7. It's disappointing for everyone connected with the club when someone behaves in that manner. But enough about Morelos, what about Pc plum ?
  8. We've got a new lodger, goes by the name Lola.
  9. Well, I for one enjoyed the article.
  10. Murphy was arguably the peak of the SLAB banter years.
  11. Quite a few showing their disgusting golfophobia on here. The last acceptable form of bigotry smh.
  12. Played 9 holes at the Musselburgh old course last night, shot 42 after a shaky start of back to back doubles. Starting to get the bug again after barely touching the clubs for about 2 years. Something almost ethereal about twilight golf on a warm summer's evening in Scotland.
  13. MI5 will have their hands full trying to cover up Andy Windsor's noncing to bother about reds under the bed in Dundee.
  14. Can't even begin to imagine having to deal with subhuman scum like them, on top of the devastating loss of a child. So sorry for your loss Flybhoy.
  15. In my defence, I was searching for the Corbyn gif. I'll get you next time.
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