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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Absolutely fucking howling at this. This is one of the better efforts imo. Proper straddling the line between dribbling simpleton and expert trolling. Fair play.
  2. Convinced this is a right wing Tory front, like Leave.EU. Only here to make the real dangers like Gove seem more palatable.
  3. Why haven't the SNP introduced PR for Westminster yet ? Because they're too busy with divisive referendums !!1!! Sturgone must condemn.
  4. I think the abolish Holyrood lot are deep down, cowards. Imo, many of these folk are uncomfortable with having to engage with the many socio-political issues we have in the UK/Scotland. Having the parliament in Edinburgh closer to home alongside the big constitutional elephant in the room, forces these people to engage in politics. Easier for these folk to ignore this sort of stuff that may not directly inconvenience them, if it's far off in that London. I think it's fair enough to criticise the SNP on their record and think they're doing a shite job. However, if you want the powers returned to people capable of making an even bigger c**t if it, as the last 20 years of Westminster bin fires proves, than as I said, you're either a dribbling simpleton, or a coward who is not really that bothered about welfare, education etc in the first place.
  5. Talking of giving Holyrood to the veterans, there's a much more suitable building on the other side of the road there. I wonder if he'd be happy to hand that one over to are brave boys !!1!
  6. I'm all for abolishing the Scottish parliament after we win independence.
  7. It's not till Sept 8th. Was gonna stick the justgiving page up here at the end of the month when everyone has been paid. Cheers, every bit helps, I'll give you a shout.
  8. Playing a charity golf marathon next month to raise money for Alzheimer's sufferers. 54 holes in one day at Royal Musselburgh. Wish me luck.
  9. Not to mention the lads who flew Malaysian airlines flight 370 off the sea bed.
  10. Galloway asking the pope for haunners against Alan Sugar is actually one of the best things he's done imo.
  11. We should clearly just go back to a barter system. Swap you a chicken for a bag of potatoes. I'll give you a handjob if you fix my boiler.
  12. These guys get paid about $2 an hour to fight those fires. They're also barred from becoming firefighters after their sentence is finished, because they're ex cons. Neolib capitalism working at peak efficiency.
  13. Someone close to him needs to stage an intervention here. It's getting worse.
  14. Oaft. But can he do it on a wet Wednesday night at West Brom ?
  15. Davies could possibly be the best full back in the world for the next ten years or so.
  16. I genuinely hope they pick Murray for leader. And he turns up to the presser in the UJ suit. A perfect analogy for the last 10 years. Giving your analogy 7/10. May have to downgrade if I discover you're from less desirable neighbourhood.
  17. Also, MOAR FLEGS !! Slap the UJ on everything, that'll make us forget about independence.
  18. SLAB will have to get off the fence eventually.
  19. I think Koeman and Messi have quite a good understanding, having worked together years ago. I'll be backing the big Dutchman to get the best out of the little Argentinean as he proves himself the GOAT once more.
  20. BBC interview Polish neo nazi for report on Belarus.
  21. Can't even say 'I'm a proud Scot, but...' or they'll throw you in jail.
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