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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. There's 3 debates. First one they get a double dose of whatever they're getting to make them appear semi coherent. 2nd debate they do clean. 3rd they switch up and take each others meds. Straight into my (and their) veins.
  2. Kincy discovering twitter has been one of the highlights on the politics forum in recent times. At least he's now sticking to posting random anonymous Yes supporters rather than the far right goons he was previously.
  3. Surely we can offload Godley to the Yanks ? They fucking lap up c***s like James Cordon tbf. Her anti Trump stuff and 'zany' humour seem perfect for the late night liberal talk shows. ^^^^ Gridiron account
  4. I, and I cannot stress this enough, just cannot fucking wait until the debates. I would genuinely get PPV to watch this carcrash. Just 2 old smooth brains, pumped full of drugs, mumbling incoherently at each other.
  5. Hair ffs. Proper clowncar through a minefield stuff now. Are they actually doing this to try and prove Scots are 'too stupid' to run things up here. Some sort of weird reverse psychology thing.
  6. I would start with this. I'm leaning towards giving Dykes a start. Have at it lad, let's see what you can do.
  7. Another Jimmy Braid masterpiece PB. The 2 par 3's to finish are a bit jarring. The last is as tough a finishing hole as you'll see. Technically in the Borders, which is why it wasn't on the list.
  8. West Linton is a lovely wee village with a decent golf course. Good to see there's a strong feeling for self determination and respect for parliamentary democracy there.
  9. I think I genuinely prefer the recent chronic Edinburgh derby threads to Hibs Aberdeen ones. Finishing bottom 6 a decent option to avoid a 4th thread this season imo.
  10. Nice try. Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams though. Checkmate.
  11. Would bring on Harry Souttar in the 2nd half to utilize his strength against a tiring Israeli defence. Best bets : Souttar anytime goalscorer. Souttar to be carded. Over 10.5 Souttars in the match.
  12. 'Gangbangers murdering each other in Detroit' post arriving shortly.
  13. Probably. Maybe the guy who likes Andy Ngo can answer. Given that Ngo is the Proud Boys cheerleader.
  14. If Biden loses, they should just decorate his back bedroom to look like the oval office and tell him he won. Poor c**t would be totally oblivious.
  15. Interesting that when faced with a choice between the cretinous behaviour of a Ruth Davidson, or the dribbling simpleton/bumbling incompetence of a Jackson Carlaw, the Scottish Conservatives have elected to go with a combination of both in Douglas Ross.
  16. Is this Malky or Tarmo ? Trying way too fucking hard whoever it is.
  17. The bunkering style, and their postioning are good. Unfortunately, they need a bit of tlc. We'll have to agree to disagree, you could hit 3 iron off the tee at the first 5 holes and have less than 150 in imo. Mystery solved. I'm convinced your soft spot for the Royal comes from the fact the great James Braid is the architect. Never played Ratho PB, have only heard good things, so it's on the list. I've played next door at Gogarburn a couple of times. (I'm a sucker for quirky wee courses) -7 round Duddingston is fantastic shooting mate. I'm a bit of a hacker, 83 from the tips is my record.
  18. My every member of the Trump family will win 2 presidential elections T shirt has people asking questions already answered by the shirt.
  19. Respectfully disagree with some of this. 2 is a standard short uphill par 4. 3 is a standard right to left slight dogleg. A nice green complex but doesn't drain well. 4 requires a good drive, but the green is defenceless. Agree with you on 5. A nice green and fun when the pin is cut in the skinny part. My point was kind of that they're all relatively short par 4's. Many members leave driver in the bag until they reach the 7th tee. You're giving it more credit than it's due my friend. Monktonhall is superior as befits it's status as a former Open qualifying venue. As a former member of Duddingston, I find it to also have the edge over the Royal. Both North Berwick tracks and the East course at Dalmahoy are also ahead of it in the Lothians rankings imo.
  20. Wisbit. Using Andy Ngo as a credible source. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/andy-ngo-right-wing-troll-antifa-877914/ Back under your rock plz champ.
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