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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Even if May's deal had passed parliament, there's no guarantee we'd be sitting here with it all done and dusted. The hard right Tory coup on their own party still happens imo. We can argue all day about the motivations and priorities of the People's Vote/Stop Brexit folk. (Independence, removal of Corbyn).
  2. Playing 54 holes tomorrow at Royal Musselburgh to raise money for Alzheimer's sufferers. Tee times at 8, 12 and 4 but have to be there for 7.15 am for a photo with the Alzheimer's rep. Gonna be a long day, but weather looks like it'll be ok. Sitting about £350 raised atm, which my work have pledged to match. 8 of us doing this tomorrow and we're on course to raise a good few grand for this worthy cause. I know @lichtie23 said he would like to chuck a couple of quid in. Link is in the spoiler below as I'm not sure about the forum rules on this. If it's removed, you can PM me if you would like to chip in.
  3. ^^^ me when I'm trying to pad out my CV when applying for a job.
  4. Mind when the last Labour government sacked their top scientists because they didn't agree with their position on reclassification and in doing so torpedoed any chance of meaningful drug policy reform for a generation ? Good times. This is an area where Holyrood needs to be bolder.
  5. Seeing as my revolutionary 3-3-3-1 formation with Oliver Burke in the holding midfield role was getting some stick, I've had another go. Please note how I have managed to shoehorn 2 left backs into the side. Authentic.
  6. Best thing about it is that they'll never be held to account for it. I think you'll find it's all the fault of Corbyn/Sturgeon/Starmer/forrins. Delete as appropriate.
  7. to think that we take the piss out of America for Fox News. This is Britain's biggest selling newspaper. Just completely batshit crazy.
  8. The Kavanaugh column in the sun is quite the article btw.
  9. Who could have predicted that the oven ready deal voted for by 40% of the country and enthusiastically backed by 90% of our dogshit press has turned out to be a load of bullshit ? 'I didn't think the leopards would eat MY face !'
  10. This the type of dogshit cultural marxism nonsense Oliver is into.
  11. Captain Tom single handedly won both WW2 and the Covid war. Deserves to be on it twice. He also won are hearts along with are Boris.
  12. Massive Catch 22 for these guys tbf. Do you really respect are brave boys if you're not wearing one ? This one is just tremendous. Pre ordered.
  13. As AD said he's gaslighting. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's had a nightmare the last 6 months.
  14. Serbia clearly too wee and too stupid imo. Dua Lipa was right, we need a Greater Albania.
  15. He's a massive bell end. I really can't stress this enough. If you're happy to pile into the culture war shite, you can't really complain when you get pulled up about it. His m.o. is to retweet or say something stupid, get called out for it, then mewl endlessly about it. Rinse and repeat.
  16. That line up was absolute sauce. The streets will never forget that team.
  17. Perfect opportunity to get a settled side in time for the semi final.
  18. He's a genuine no righter. Top of the list for a hard drive check in an independant Scotland.
  19. *makes clunking fist motion. 'As close to Home Rule / Devo Max / Federalism as possible'
  20. How can we stop the union falling apart ? 'Moar flegs'
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