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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Reminds me of Hench Jez from the tory election leaflets.
  2. Growing the beard was the best thing Don Jr. ever did. Eric is a lost cause.
  3. Only downside to the result is that the banlieues would have been absolutely bouncing if PSG had won.
  4. Shite like TPC Boston shouldn't be top level tour venues, especially season ending Fed Ex Cup stuff.
  5. Suddenly, there looks like a big gap between the sides.
  6. Sule is like 'imagine if The Big Show was a footballer'
  7. Absolutely no time for Bayern, but even less for PSG. Salty Neymar tears would be the best outcome.
  8. I was on Syme and Valimaki this week. Can't pick a winner recently.
  9. Some pals 'left wing firebrand' George Galloway has eh. Steve Bannon Nigel Farage Michael Gove The EDL
  10. Tut, tut. You're making it up as you go along now. We both know you decided to throw any semblance of nuance out the window. Trying to wriggle out of the particularly nasty brand of nationalism you've decided to back, being all about having your strings pulled by pound shop Mosleys' as you 'kick the forrins out are country', doesn't really suit you.
  11. Kenny Miller's missus going full blown QAnon / Trump.
  12. ^^^ political editor of The Sun. I'll bow to your superior knowledge on the subject.
  13. Amusing to see LTL double down there. The Torcuils' and Catrionas' who were very much taken by empire and North Britishness have suddenly turned to leadership roles in the SNP ? The party is run by central belt technocrats, not the cast of Brigadoon FFS. Reducing the Yes movement down to the Hamish Husband cosplayers and linking the rise in support for self determination to Braveheart is the level of political analysis I'd expect from The Sun trying to explain to white van man and the gammons why the Jocks want to f**k off.
  14. Prison labour in use since WW2, climate change causing fires in greater numbers and intensity, private fire crews hindering state operations, rich people building houses on ground as flame retardant as a 1980's shellsuit. You: ah you see, this is why left wing governments are bad.
  15. Our drug policy is decades behind. Change is never happening at WM. The SNP are too scared to do anything pre referendum. Shite.
  16. The language thing seems a bit of a red herring. Scots Gaelic isn't even the same family as English, whilst the Spanish regions are practically just different dialects. (I appreciate that native speakers would disagree massively and I'm doing a bit hand waving here) Outside of Catalonia and the Basque country, isn't support for the autonomous regions independence rather low ? I'm sure the likes of Aragon and Andulusia poll less than 15-20 %. Even at it's low point Scottish independence never fell that low. I don't think the role of having our own distinct institutions to maintain a semblance of national identity and as a counterbalance to colonialism (this is the wrong word to use, but I can't think of the more suitable one) should be underestimated. The likes of Aragon lost this centuries ago.
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