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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. So what I'm getting from the last couple of pages is that Scots are more committed golfers than Malaysians are ?
  2. Praying that Sturgeon puts us into full lockdown today so we can put the last 20 pages of tedious arguments to bed. 'Everyone has to stay in' 'I'm going for a run' 'You shouldn't' 'Aye I should' 'Naw ye should'nae' 'Aye it's fine' 'Naw it's no' FFS guys.
  3. Me, 2 months ago: teachers are moany arseholes and have it easy with all their fucking weekends off and extended holidays. Me, 2 hours into home schooling a 6 + 9 year old: I believe teachers to be god like beings who should be revered and worshipped daily.
  4. I'm going to struggle to get through this without brutally murdering the wife and/or kids tbqfhwy.
  5. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    Forgot to register for WL this weekend. Means I won't be packing my boy Weghorst on Thursday ☹
  6. Was old man danger doing the oldco accounts back in the day ?
  7. I reckon it'll be the first Mother's day where I can't be with my auld ma. FaceTime only. Be sensible on Mothers Day lads.
  8. Greenied purely for the wee lucky waving cat.
  9. An absolute nap that this dirty fucker will end up catching and spreading it.
  10. Everyone seems to be spelling 'the Clyde Riviera' wrongly.
  11. The last thing this thread needs is yet another dribbling simpleton. Pipe down please.
  12. The issue isn't 'wet markets', these are found around the world and are good actually. The issue is the (unregulated and often illegal) introduction of exotic wildlife into some of these markets.
  13. The video from the hospital in Bergamo is sobering as f**k. I don't think it's sunk in yet with some people how bad this could be.
  14. Wee-Bey

    FIFA 20

    In a huge shock, I got f**k all from rewards. Still rolling with my Bundes lads.
  15. I suspect you're right here. As far as families living together, is this not a feature of our BAME communities ?
  16. Update. Still feel shite and miss Ollie Shaw, but it looks like Tonosilitis or a bacterial throat infection.
  17. Woke up this morning with a sore throat, the shivers and a soaring temperature. Feel like pure shit.
  18. One down already ? Only 171 days to go until we're crowned the ultimate Scottish football champions of all time.
  19. Party leaders meeting this week with UBI on the table.
  20. Oaft. You know, if this sort of statement had been put out 6 months ago, I'd have been pishing myself laughing. First reaction was to shake my head. This is a canary in the coalmine moment. One of our countries biggest clubs, which gets fan funding too, releasing this.
  21. One can dream comrade. It would be silly to rule anything out in such a fluid situation.
  22. You know this is serious when Trump is only using a low level slur, rather than something incredibly racist.
  23. It's a massive opportunity to reshape our economy away from mass consumption and hyper consumerism. The money is there, the money is always there. Sunak and Johnson plan to bail out the big guys and saddle the small businesses with loans and debt. The poor should be first in line, not last, or indeed, not even mentioned at all. The neolibs and austerity junkies won't give up their economic hegemony easily.
  24. I just hope that orange jacket man gets a refund on his season ticket.
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