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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. ^^^ Would rather follow (follow) than lead.
  2. Nothing says 'draining the swamp' more than the hiring an unqualified relative of someone who works in the White House.
  3. I'm not much of a drinker and I can't say I'm overly enthused about possibly paying even more when I do partake. However, if this saves even a handful of lives (it will IMO) and begins to reconfigure the relationship we have with alcohol in this country, then I'm all for it.
  4. Scottish unionism neatly summed up in one short post.
  5. Trying to put the onus of responsibility onto the 16 year old girl and away from the middle aged authority figure is not really going to help your argument m8.
  6. Agree with the first part. Although I think his ego would also make him likely to walk away if he thought he was being used, or misrepresented.
  7. I think after all the build up to this, the show itself will turn out to be pretty beige. We might get some half decent pics or gifs to troll each other on here with. Salmond will do what he does best, cause Unionist seethe and hysteria and highlight hypocrisy, as already evident by the mere announcement of the show. I understand people's concerns about it damaging the Independence movement, but I think it will have minimum impact. The debate is pretty polarised, with 35-40 % on either side pretty much committed. The 'don't knows' who will decide the result will vote on the strength of the (mostly financial) arguments, not something Alex Salmond says on a chat show on a channel barely anyone will watch. The only problems I can foresee, is that he turns full Sillars or tin foil hat, if Putin does something completely mental or the guests he has on the show are far too controversial.
  8. The only thing more predictable than Roy Moore's eventual outing as OFTW and confirmed Tedi status, is the reaction of the MAGA hatted morons. Cretinous excuses, doxxing the victims, boycotts and bizarre whataboutary.
  9. Calderwood came in dropped Miller and signed absolute dross like Matt Thornhill, Victor Palsson and Martin Scott. The beginning of the long decline.
  10. There are worse ways to make a living tbf. Like hosting a chat show on Russian TV amarite ?
  11. Vince Cable here, leader of the Liberal Democrats. Appearing on RT and legitimizing Putin's propaganda. Jeremy Corbyn, leader of her majesties opposition. Appearing on RT and helping the Russian government cover up the abduction and murder of journalists. David Davis, Brexit Secretary. Appearing on RT and now complicit in the annexation of Crimea.
  12. Just switched this on, thought it was round 5 due to the big number next to the clock.
  13. I don't think anyone is claiming this. People are merely pointing out the hypocrisy. Let's not pretend that everything broadcast on RT is bullshit and everything on the BBC is reported honestly and without an agenda.
  14. I agree with the Ginger Prince. But, some might say we'll just have to roll with it until the next round of Premiership fixtures.
  15. So to be clear: The Russian state detaining and killing journalists bad, the British state aiding the killing and detaining of journalists via rendition not so bad, and not even remotely comparable. The collusion between British security forces and paramilitary forces would definitely not stretch to the murder of a journalist or civilians because they were 'literally a proscribed terrorist group !!' You clearly see the BBC as a bastion of integrity and speaking truth to power. Top of 'the spectrum when it comes to press credibility, impartiality and effective reporting' Others don't however. I would imagine the liberal response would be to respect the differing views and not throw around childish insults and belittle othe....
  16. Ah, that's alright then, as long as we treat the journalists ok. There are of course isolated incidents, such as the detention of David Miranda at Heathrow, Sami al Haj an Al Jazeera journalist who was arrested in Pakistan, interrogated by MI5 and packed off to Guantanamo for 6 years, and Martin O'Hagen who was murdered by Loyalist paramilitaries, who of course, were in collusion with British security services. You are right though, Britain generally does not kill or imprison journalists, we are after all, the good guys right ? Of course, we're quite happy to hand over journalists and dissenters to other regimes known for their less than liberal treatment of opposition voices. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/09/how-britain-did-gaddafis-dirty-work-libya Your second sentence is naïve in the extreme given the cover up of child sex abuse at both Westminster and the BBC. If push came to shove, the BBC would do what the f**k they were told by the government.
  17. Exactly, the British state would never lock up or kill people it disagrees with.
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