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Everything posted by LeodhasXD

  1. You just let us know any rumours of strikers in at Killie. There's never a better grease of the wheels than having too many players for a position.
  2. I did speak with Gregor (Sleith?). He was the paid one. It was the other boys I asked about it and they said your media team was all volunteers and outwith the big 4-5 in Scotland that was what the going rate. Was quite depressed at that.
  3. Have to laugh at that. Even if nothing else comes of it now that is some sensational underhanded tactics. Get anyone's eye off the ball for a game or two and you could well be back in the race for the title.
  4. Careful now Andy Graham's Alloa 5 unbeaten in the league and 6 in all competitions we'll be on 26 unbeaten any day now
  5. I must be getting old because twice I've typed out responses and turned the page on p&b to see a response and lost what I was typing before... It's fine I'm big enough and ugly enough to live and die on my own opinions. Bit boring to keep it to yourself. @Captain ChugwashI've not got anything against your volunteers. You can ask them about our interactions this season if you want. They won't tell you I was unprofessional. I even contributed to helping you get your stream on because your dongle was acting up with my own stuff. They may have had issues in the past because they set their cameras up in places that blocked others view or were a safety risk in a gangway but it's relatively smooth nowadays as far as I'm aware. We just don't have video facilities from a stand that was built before the real takeoff of broadcasting. It's on my list of things to do when I get a spare million or so. The real issue I always have had is this shield behind the volunteer made - criticism is immoral. If you want to market the game in Scotland beyond a media that are obsessed with two clubs you need to employ someone to do it and use your money as efficiently as possible to get the best possible product. Apparently the status quo of that line is volunteers. This is not unique to Falkirk and is endemic in Scottish football. St Johnstone were here early on in the season and everyone I spoke to was a volunteer.
  6. Absolutely not spent years learning how to do it. What they did leave me originally with a camera, a wage and a free reign. Nowadays I own all my equipment barring the camera body and the headsets that the club provided.
  7. My main criticism is that volunteers aren't paid to learn how to do things. Falkirk should definitely provide them adequate training.
  8. I read everybody's forum? It's a great way to keep up with Scottish football.
  9. You'd have to agree visually a lot better looking than Edinburgh though?
  10. I'm going to level with you I'm not going to go out of my way to get into contact with them. No problem telling them what I think when they're about though. If it's a problem with rendering the video with a faulty laptop that could be a mitigating factor for the way it looks now but it was definitely better at the beginning of the season and something is off.
  11. @BainsfordbairnIs there different equipment or process from when these highlights were produced?
  12. This is the point I always make if you want me to make your product you better pay me to do it. Falkirk are using three volunteers... I'm well within my rights to say I think your product is rubbish. That original criticism came from your own Falkirk fans. I'm just offering my opinion on a) why it's ugly b) how to make it better. If that's not the done thing then it bloody well should be.
  13. That's like saying a film critic should be writing a letter to the studio instead of putting their review in the paper. Nonsensical.
  14. It is absolutely deliberate criticism from me. You can't accuse me of not being constructive with it though. If in a professional context you can't take someone saying you're probably doing that wrong, try this then you really need to sort out your ego problem. If he's using the memory card - tell him to find a higher quality preset or get some new hardware because there is serious issues in what is coming out on youtube.
  15. Was thinking that myself about the weather this week. I don't have the postponement date to hand either.
  16. I think it is a group of volunteers that you have on site - sending footage to Pars TV. When we used them we used less than half the bitrate we do now. Pars TV use a channel from Dacast and they charge based on how much data you send so to cut costs they use a particularly low bitrate. But what I think is happening in your highlights clips are coming straight from what they are streaming. It's certainly not coming from the camera - unless they're using an incompatible SD card - because that's not even hitting a smooth frame rate. Low bitrate is also why the perceived quality is less than 1080p too - there's not enough information going to the screen to fill in the gaps of information and so it looks horrible.
  17. Your highlights have no excuse though. They send a really poor stream to be served on falkirktv.uk but they should be using the actual recorded footage from the camera to do the highlights. Okay edit on a proxy but before you send it to youtube swap the footage to the full quality one.
  18. Worse camera, better knowledge. Not using Pars TV! Edit for balance: Still shots are much better than ones with extensive movement so I think compare this clip. I've also cranked the gain right up (too far) because I thought it was getting dark - it's not that green at Palmerston. So this is the worst possible quality you can get. 631.ts
  19. VAR is optional. We said we didn't want want it - none of our games have it and the referees can't get it right even when they do have it. Understandably Motherwell didn't fancy paying the fees for it themselves so I'm pleased to say no VAR. It is in the bottom of the Motherwell ticket news post on the website.
  20. I could say plenty and churn old material here but you get what you pay for with your volunteers. There's a fundamental lack of understanding of how to do your media. This is a small video from our stream (one of the actual 700 ten second clips that are served when you watch our stream) compare that to your highlights.545.ts
  21. For the avoidance of doubt assault jokes aren't funny, Brian. Playstation memes are.
  22. Today was pretty rubbish on media production side. First I was bloody baltic early. Planned to debut some new shiny live graphics and then just beset by technical problems from before kickoff. Get home to try and find out the problem and everything works like a dream Such a shame we couldn't take all three points from that game to ease these headaches. Me when the same thing happens again next week at Motherwell =
  23. See I disagree wholeheartedly with this infographic. As all gardeners know, Wasps are excellent killers of pests and these Queens fans are at the end of their tether. Time to forcibly remove those pests in charge by inflicting a record defeat and returning home with the spoils and plaudits.
  24. I liked Jay, goalkeeper who is actually a footballer. Good distribution - we used to use him for a quick counter with the long punts. Good shot stopping. Bad points - at times not physical enough in the corner stramashes etc. Just needs more experience. He'll be a good goalie.
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