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Bairn in Exile

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Everything posted by Bairn in Exile

  1. I'm not being funny but you're good enough to sponsor Falkirk TV, do you not have a contact number there that you could call for an update? It's coming up to 7.00am back home, surely somebody is up and about?
  2. Hamilton are small, but Falkirk are far away
  3. You know how normally when you are losing a game and you come back to get a draw it feels like a victory, yes? Saturday still feels like a defeat for me. A self inflicted one at that.
  4. I want to hear what McGlynn has to say in his post match interview. He'd better be looking straight at the camera and apologizing profusely to the fans, especially the ones that shelled out their hard earned to go to a shit stadium in Edinburgh to back the team.
  5. Thought you said that we were knicker wetters?
  6. We are so imbalanced without Morrison on, everything is going down the left hand side and they have cottoned on to that.
  7. Sean Mackie is no Leon McCann and Agyeman is really poor today.
  8. Neither of the Arse Cheeks can ever lay claim to being "the best club in the country" in my opinion. The are the biggest, for sure, but never in a month of Sundays are they the best. Horrible, horrible clubs with horrible, horrible supporters. F*ck 'em. Edit: maybe we should all hate Aberdeen. When Sevco were in League 2 they had a chance to end the Bigot Brother's stranglehold on voting in Scottish football and they backed Sellick. b*****ds.
  9. Minimal changes needed by the sound of it with just McIvor missing. I hope we don't make too many other changes just to freshen things up. Keep the changes for the Bonnyrigg game.
  10. I believe Douglas Bader felt exactly the same.
  11. Sobering thought for anybody getting carried away. IF we had lost at Hamilton instead of winning we would now have 49 points, Accies would have 44 points and would have a game in hand. And we still have to play each other twice. Fine margins.
  12. Just gives that little greaser another incentive to put one over on us. As @Raybowski89 said, our unbeaten run will have to finish sometime, just hope that it isn't tomorrow night.
  13. Plastered on the Cove changing room walls for sure. Hope it doesn't come back to bite us.
  14. The inspection was at 2.15, I think, with the KO scheduled for 5.30pm, no?
  15. Please allow me to be the first to wish you a Happy Anniversary for tomorrow! Sorry guys, you must be hurting. https://news.stv.tv/sport/marvin-bartley-appointed-as-new-manager-of-queen-of-the-south Edit: This was my prediction for the final league placings this season. He fooled me an aw. 1. Falkirk 2. QoTS 3. Hamilton 4. Cove 5. Stirling 6. Alloa 7. Montrose 8. Kelty 9. Annan 10. Edinburgh This has to be our season to go up because simply, we can't afford not to. No promotion and we’ll have to go part-time and that has to be avoided at all costs. Edited August 2, 2023 by Bairn in Exile
  16. Somebody needs to give Burrell a right sair yin in the first couple of minutes On Tuesday to put him off his stride for the rest of the game. Clubber Lang, come on down!
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