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Everything posted by yoda

  1. The Naked Gun I have never watched this all the way through so I thought I would give it a watch today. It is one of the best comedy films I have ever seen. Leslie Nielsen's delivery of every line is superb and although the puns are quite obvious, they consistently bring out a laugh every time. I'll give it an 8/10. Which is quite high-scoring for a comedy film in my book.
  2. Mad Hatter would be more up Nolan's street. The Riddler in the previous "Batman" film had more elements of the Mad Hatter about him than the actual Riddler (ie - mind control).
  3. I received forms from Strathclyde's Fencing Club today about a competition in February. Due to injury I hadn't been at training for a good month at least (probably nearer two months). I'm unsure whether to go or not, as I will need to buy a license and various kit stuff.
  4. I'm watching something on ITV called "Above Suspicion: Deadly Intent" and the woman detective is quite hot.
  5. I've been having a read on KUMB and it looks like Snodgrass could be heading to Upton Park this transfer window.
  6. Johann Johannsson - The Sun's Gone Dim And The Sky's Turned Black Completely bleak but I like it.
  7. I've seen a trailer for this and I thought it looks like a really good film. Plus it has (as you have already mentioned) Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis in lesbian scenes. Sounds like a winner to me.
  8. I thought it was quite good. Not as good as "Band of Brothers" but still a good watch. The book is also a decent read.
  9. Right I am a bit of a fool when it comes to 'torrent downloads' for music. I (well my brother) downloaded Bit Torrent on to my laptop. What can I use it for and how do I use it?
  10. I thought you feasted on the Christmas gloom so just read "The Grinch" (don't read the ending though) and you won't need food.
  11. Life Lesson #337: Fajitas aren't spicy. They merely tickle the mouth. They are also wonderfully tasty. Stick with me Licthie and you won't go wrong.
  12. You don't like spicy food? Christ you are a little bitch.
  13. Love2Love and Studio 25 (the two 'hotspots' for a night out in Inverness) are fucking shite. Someone I know genuinely described them as 'hotspots'.
  14. I was supposed to collect a History essay on the 9th in a tutorial but was unable to do so because it was cancelled. We were then e-mailed to tell us that we couldn't collect it but instead we would wait until our last tutorial. I e-mailed my tutor to check our tutorials were on (16th December) because he had cancelled them but we were not told if they were going to be back on, so I wandered over to the McCance building anyway just incase, only to be turned away at the door by some security guy (no idea why). I went to collect my essay on the 17th because I knew there wasn't any other way of me getting it but the History office wasn't staffed that day. So I need to go down when the uni opens again to get my essay to make sure I didn't fail (I don't think I would have failed but you never know) and then do it again before some unknown date in January. A bit fucking annoying and whilst I do take some of the blame, there were personal problems that resulted in my head up my arse for the final three weeks of the semester. I can only hope that I don't pick up where I left off.
  15. I despise Pernod. Three shots of it and fucking BANG. You wake up a day later lying in an inflatable raft in someone's garden wondering where you are and if you have been raped.
  16. These also work for PC sound (the world's coolest Police Constable):
  17. Even if it does go it, I think we will all say "Thanks for the mammaries". On a separate note however, there appears to be a new Henry hoover in my flat.
  18. I'm willing to listen to the people on the matter though. 'May' is the key word because I may not.
  19. I may resign my current avatar on the 1st January 2011. I feel that although it was brought hours of fun to everyone, it could the chance for someone else to pick up the torch and run with it, shining a beacon of bouncing breasts to all that glimpse its bright light of joy.
  20. Anyone know a number for a taxi company in Glasgow?
  21. I don't have enough money to go and finish my washing The people in the Co-Op and Sainsburys refused to let me break up two £5 notes into £10 in £1 coins.
  22. I'm a cross between "V. Weird' and 'Strange". I'm a mongrel
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