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Everything posted by yoda

  1. All remaining History lectures (and tutorials) cancelled. I have about 4 hours of lectures and tutorials left.
  2. People e-mailing telling me that I need to tell my local MP not to vote for university cuts. I live in Scotland, higher education is a devolved power. Annoying my local MP isn't going to make a difference.
  3. There was some snow over night. Still not a lot on the ground - probably still 3 or 4 inches maximum. My History tutorials today, next Thursday and the Thursday afterwards. That leaves me with 10 hours of lectures/tutorials (maximum) until I go home.
  4. I have heard harrowing tales about Law.
  5. 2 cartons for £1.50 in Sainsbury's. Lasts me a week so it's all good. I did go to Tesco Express today to get a FourFourTwo and saw people were panic buying. It's in the middle of fucking Glasgow. If you live within walking distance of it then you aren't going to get stuck. They had run out of toilet roll, which shows these panic buyers had some sense. You wouldn't want to panic buy and forgot that.
  6. Cracking book, I don't think it is one of his best but it is still a good read. Vonnegut books are always refreshing.
  7. Cravendale milk in the cardboard cartons keeps for a week once opened, and before you open it the best before date is usually a fair bit away. I bought two cartons today and they best before date is the 21st of December.
  8. They wouldn't survive in these temperatures
  9. The powdery snow is back on. Good stuff. More snowball fights me thinks.
  10. Probably 3 inches (maybe 4 inches) in Glasgow. It has snowed a bit throughout the day, but nothing heavy, just the fluffy powdery stuff. I saw on the news that all state schools in Glasgow are shut because of this adverse weather. The Central Belt is full of wimps.
  11. Last year (well January of this year) when the snow was bad in Inverness (there was 3 or 4 inches on the road in our street of compacted snow covered in ice, which made a journey back from the shops in the car good fun) my brother and I had a day off. My step-dad took us out and we spent 4 hours shoveling said snow/ice of the road in our street (well from our house down to the end of the street). Twas good fun and satisfying work by the end of it.
  12. Snowing in Glasgow now. Not much but it's something at least.
  13. I forgot I needed to hand in my Geography essay on Monday. I only remembered about it today. A 10 mark deduction because I'm an idiot
  14. Raging much? Not too many complaints about the snow from me. I saw a lorry almost jack-knife today that was about it.
  15. My flatmate from Kirkcaldy has not made it back yet, and now I can see why. I'll take some of that stuff over here just now. Hasn't properly snowed since Friday/Saturday/whatever day it was.
  16. It snowed for about half and hour at around 6:30pm. It's stopped now. I was hit with a snowball by a small child today, it was a cracking shot as well considering he didn't even reach the 3 foot mark an had a school bag on.
  17. I think in my entire secondary school life, I had 4 days off due to snow.
  18. The Ashes are on? That's news to me. Other than a billboard with a massive advert on it that I walk past everytime I go the Queen Street station, I haven't seen much advertised let alone shoved into my face.
  19. Still not snowing in Glasgow. It's the calm before the storm. I'll wake up tomorrow and there will be a polar bear outside my window.
  20. Throw in Dr Cox also. To be honest, he is the only shining light of the new series. Well him and Australian intern.
  21. One solitary flake has just passed my window. It is as if the gods are taunting us. I could stick on the "Shining" tune and it would fit the mood perfectly.
  22. May God have mercy on you all. There seems to be a fair bit of cloud rolling into Glasgow so it could be a heavy snowfall.
  23. Two of my flatmates have a day off tomorrow due to the snow. They got e-mails from their lecturers saying the "severe weather" is the reason for this. I can only hope I get an e-mail like that.
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