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Everything posted by yoda

  1. For each subject, you get two resits per NAB. However you also get one 'exceptional' third resit for each subject. If you fail two different NABs more than twice then you are out on your arse. However some teachers will just ignore that and give you enough resits to pass.
  2. The wine (well Belgars Medium Dry Perry as the box says) wasn't too bad. I don't know wine though.
  3. I found two boxes of pear wine in a cupboard. Nobody knows who they belong to or how they got there. I'll let you all know what it tastes like.
  4. Don't worry, I'm a week off 18 and I fucking hate lager. The devil's own piss.
  5. It's wonderful as a shot. I do prefer it to Famous Grouse though in the whisky stakes. Famous Grouse is awful stuff.
  6. Jack Daniels goes well with Coke. That's all it's good for. I have half a bottle left in a cupboard and I never want to lay eyes on it again after Saturday night.
  7. I had an HRM assignment for today about teams. We were told we could use football as an example. The easiest 1000 words I have ever written.
  8. If only we had referees like this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvhhd36fxPw&feature=topvideos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvhhd36fxPw&feature=topvideos
  9. If that is the case, then your entire English class should be taken outside and shot. Not you though. You have potential to become a great poster on here.
  10. It's just sheets of ice where I am. My boots have pretty good grip on ice but even with them on I was doing my best impression of Bambi on ice. I'm staying in today
  11. The fog was really cool earlier on when I was out. It was glistening in the cold air, looked like there was thousands of tiny diamonds glittering away. As I said before, cool stuff.
  12. Finished for the semester. It's a glorious feeling. A week of solid Football Manager awaits.
  13. Everything seems to be cancelled at Strathclyde just now. I'm finished uni for the semester now because of the weather I went out for some shopping today and I just skated downhill most of the way. Glasgow High Street looked like it was gridlocked from about 11am until 5pm.
  14. Snow in Glasgow. Perhaps just over an inch of fresh snow, lying on top of ice.
  15. A couple of years ago (I was in 5th year at the time) one of the guys I went to primary school with was sent to a young offenders institute for stabbing his best mate's dad in the neck and body nine times with a kitchen knife, when he was completely off his tits. Genuinely a nice guy, one of the funniest guys I had ever met. He's out now, but nobody ever expected him to do that. Never seemed like he would go out of his way to hurt anyone.
  16. I shall combine both. That should do the trick. If it doesn't then I'll either pass out from the fumes or they will cause my carpet to mutate into some evil carpet monster.
  17. Cheers like. I'm going to buy some tomorrow to remove the smell of stale sick from my carpets.
  18. What is the name of that cleaning product that you just pour onto the floor (or area that needs cleaned) and then hoover up later on?
  19. The impending clean-up is also a petty thing getting on my nerves. I wandered through to the kitchen for the first time today to find 4 bodies, a mountain of jackets/bags, a fort made out of empty beer/cider tins ( ) and the floors are sticky. Oh and the smell of drink, sweat and I'm guessing sick, is horrific.
  20. Spewing my ring out onto the carpet in my flat. It's cleaned up but the smell is still there. My 100% record of not chundering has gone. A sad day indeed. Edited to add:- No hangover though. Just feel like I'm going to spew my ring out again. Fucking dirty pint.
  21. All remaining History lectures (and tutorials) cancelled. I have about 4 hours of lectures and tutorials left.
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