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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Surely to God we've got enough about us to neutralise glue factory bound Doolan. I suppose this will be a good test of the teams grit as I suspect we're going to need plenty of it and I'm sure Dick will have them fired up
  2. Conan OG, Commando and Starship Troopers!
  3. On the flip side you can say there's been an inordinate amount of everything is fine, which considering our league position and performance level, over the whole season, is a little odd. Really don't know where that confidence is coming from or what's it's based on.
  4. Bringing in another coach now would just seem like Kerr admitting he's struggling, which doesn't bestow confidence from the fans, or probably the players. Always thought a manager had to have a even when I'm wrong I'm right type mentality most of the time, always kinda got that from McCall.
  5. Correct, best they just stay here. This is junior level nonsense.
  6. Yeah the hardware is probably antiquated shit. Was enough of a problem just getting Windows 10 installed on it because of how past it it was. It's needing binned soon any road.
  7. If this gets called off again just declare it a draw. Think both sets of fans would be happy with that
  8. Palm Springs. Excellent trippy comedy from Andy Samberg and JK Simmons. Pleasantly surprised by how charming this was. Best going into it without looking up the synopsis
  9. Yeah, if it hasn't been in any of the movies then I have absolutely no chance of picking up any of the references. Same with The Mandalorian. I'm sure I would enjoy it even more if I did. This show must also hold the record for longest credits in a 30 min show. I don't think even some movies have as long credits
  10. Would a Cat6 ethernet cable make any difference in speed to my over 10 year old desktop? It is connected to my Virgin 3 hub atm with the old ethernet cable I used for my BT hub, assume it's just a standard cable. Getting about 70 Mbps at the moment with it but can/suppose to be getting up to 200 Mbps, can get that speed over WiFi on my Pixel 4A. wondered if it's worth getting a Cat6 to improve speed or would my ancient desktop harware make that irrelevant.
  11. i think what he means is that most had you marked as relegation fodder at the beginning of the season but, to your credit, have surprised everyone and performed way way above your station.
  12. He played yesterday, but like the rest of the squad just not very well
  13. Someone will have to be put on Adam if Miller is at RB. Quite like the sound of Norrie in that role tbh
  14. Think it's the centre mid hurting us the most, always see massive amounts of space for opposition teams to just glide through. Far too easy for them sometimes.
  15. That season under McCall in the Championship was brutal to watch and incredibly boring, pinning all our hopes on Moore coming back and firing us to safety while plugging that hole with deadbeat and crocks. Never stood a chance of staying up.
  16. Rise of the Footsoldier (extreme edition) is the Godfather of football hooligan films.
  17. Kerr isn't getting sacked for losing away to Dundee. We are so predictable that if McPake can't devise a game plan to beat us then he really doesn't deserve to be in his position
  18. I've actually been quite supportive of Kerr despite what you may think. Not even advocating for him to get punted the now. Something felt different about yesterday though which has left me, and many others, extremely worried.
  19. Not so sure it was the easy and cheap option. I think Lachlan was swayed by the fact he already knew the club, had good feedback from the players about him, and maybe a little bit of hubris within him at potentially unearthing a new managerial talent. Continuity would also have played a part too I think.
  20. The club have started to put highlights back up on YouTube, very good news hope it continues, the club deserves credit if they have taken the fan feedback into account. What a game to mark it's return though.
  21. Hardly call this happy clapping. Is a bit depressing though that we're at the stage where this type of thing is said, thought we had moved past that.
  22. Nah, just that even he knows he can't polish that particular turd yesterday.
  23. Death Wish 3 is one of the greatest movies ever made, alongside Hard To Kill. Death Wish 4 had some ridiculously staged deaths, remote controlled football bomb, and the explosion scene with Danny Trejo, where it appears they can't even be bothered to hide the fact it is dummies in disguise.
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