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Everything posted by johnthebaptistist

  1. Bit harsh with 'universal' I would have preffered 'worldwide'
  2. It's one rule and it's quite simple; the SNP acts in the interests of the SNP whilst the Westminster-controlled parties do not. FTFY
  3. And by that reckoning we can say that the adults voted against independence in the referendum, well done the adults.
  4. If the Scottish parliment had a set of balls they would have included religious schools as well as removing their charitable status, see how much they are willing to pay for 'faith'
  5. It is, anything 'at all cost' no doubtably is a bad thing
  6. Salmond has been convicted of nothing yet. Epstein was a convicted paedophile. No comparison at the moment, so no idea why you need to bring Alex up; unless of course you are a 'union at all cost' type chap He is as valid as Andrew if not more valid as he has been charged with noncey type offences, unless you are a 'independence at all cost' type chap
  7. There is more chance of him being linked with Slippery Salmond who is decidedly noncey
  8. They had a mandate at the last independence referendum and lost, the Brexit referendum was for the U.K. and not regionalised, the majority voted to leave. Concentrating on the one subject while destroying the Scottish NHS, this SNP government are nothing but lying vermin.
  9. You replied ? You replied to a cringe worthy moron ? You want to be me, i can smell it
  10. Claim: "Almost all of the polls show increasing support for Scottish independence" Reality Check: According to the polling data collected by What Scotland Thinks, there has been an increase in support for independence if a second referendum were held now. Excluding "don't knows", the average of polls this year has been 51% for No to 49% for Yes - extremely close but still marginal support for remaining in the union. Looking good for the gammons
  11. Imagine a film about street gangs and violence being hijacked by violent street gangs, organised publicity stunt for exposure IMHO
  12. I was shot at with a SAM 7 while in a helicopter, it missed unfortunatelly.
  13. I can assure you that is certainly not my worldview, quite the opposite, but the current population led by the SNP are quite happy to be continually put down while bleating on about independence.
  14. It doesn't mean anything to you because your a typical nationalist who just sits and wibbles while your little country gets reamed, freedom my arse !!
  15. It seems quite simple to me, I even simplified it from the normal phrase I use. Read it more slowly if you can
  16. That phrase sits well with many a politican that I can name, Jo Swinson, Jacob Rees-Mogg instantly come to mind. I know people that I work with that have the same selfish attitudes.
  17. Probably someone who got into politics to be force for the betterment of their constituents and not to push their personal agenda for self appeasement i.e. not Nicola Sturgeon
  18. No one in the modern era springs to mind, especially the career politicians.
  19. Decent article if you believe blowing smoke up the arse of one of worst career politicians in the U.K. is 'decent'
  20. What's the 'both upcoming referendums' ? Tories win, no referendums.
  21. It's just nice to see the little parties getting put in their place, the Libs are an nonsense and the SNP are popular with the dreamy headed nationalists and have no say in the general running of the UK as a whole.
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