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Everything posted by philpy

  1. My next door neighbour bought this last year
  2. An office worker at the council depot 5 minutes away from my work has tested positive. [emoji102]
  3. I'd imagine the simple minds gig at the hydro next month will be cancelled then. Ah well....
  4. The Irish consulate has cancelled its St Patricks day celebrations in Edinburgh. To be sure.
  5. Asda at the jewel's bogroll shelves were empty when I was there earlier. A worker brought a half pallet of them through and people were taking them off the pallet before the poor lad even got a chance to put them on the shelves. My very loud comment of "stupid fucking morons" drew a few glares. Just shrugged my shoulders and walked off.
  6. Cheers bud. It's shite with the work situation, as my bosses are good guys, but it's the powers that be are making it more difficult. We were bought over by a national group of shareholding companies a couple of years ago, and the changes brought into place have been horrific.
  7. Really low moods at the moment, and work is contributing to that heavily. There is a really good chance of me getting something else, but it won't be until July at the earliest. The wife's health hasn't been great at times, and she's only managing to work part time at the moment, and I've been doing a lot more round the house than normal, leaving me tired and burnt out. The result is I'm very grumpy and unreasonable, and it's starting to spill over into my working day. I'm trying to take positive steps to sort things out, starting with deleting all my social media accounts, as I was spending far too much time on them, and I was beginning to fall out with the wife about it, plus its all a lot of negative and boring shite half the time, something I need to cut out of my life. Keeping my p&b account going though, as there a lot of sound c***s on here. There's also an element of loneliness as well, yeh I'm married and know a lot of other males through friends of the wife, but I've not got the close knit group of friends I used to have.
  8. I'm not sure about our twitter feed. He's jumped and collected the ball TWICE??
  9. Those panic buying idiots need fucking shot before the virus gets anywhere near them.
  10. Why did snoop carry an umbrella?? Fo' drizzle.
  11. I had an argument with a friend the other week, as his nephew's train was delayed due to someone being hit by a train near Longniddry. He described it as an "inconvenience". Aye, try telling that to the family, or the train driver for that matter...
  12. Trying to make healthier recipes, found this recipe for sticky toffee puddings yesterday So gave it a bash. Put all the ingredients in a bowl except the golden syrup, and mix until light and airy. Spray 4 ramekins with low cal cooking spray, and then divide the syrup between the ramekins, then pour the mixture in, evenly divided between the dishes. Cook at gas mark 5 for 20 minutes.
  13. Had some beef left over from yesterday's roast, so I heated it up with some gravy and had it on 2 flatbreads with melted smoked cheese and mustard, along with a gravy dip.
  14. At Least it wasn't a mushroom supper. You facking cant.
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