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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Oh, and no loanees from rangers next season please. Can't remember a single one being any good the last few seasons.
  2. A little and large partnership up front, like brian graham and john baird?? f**k aye, I'd take that.
  3. Right on. I like to try and guess the areas of edinburgh they have been filmed in as well.
  4. Don't sing, you sound like a trapped boy.
  5. Low fat cheddar, and a pizza base from aldi. If I'd got the equivalent from a takeaway, my guts would be sore already, but it wasn't heavy at all.
  6. That's no Madonna, that's round the back of McDonald's after a bottle of vodka.
  7. Better watch Madonna doesn't try and adopt him...
  8. No expert, but maybe. I've incorporated a lot of vegetarian stuff into my diet, and I've lost 6lbs in two weeks. My energy levels are much better as well.
  9. On a health kick, and found some veggie "doner meat" in asda. Decided to try it on a pizza, and it's rather nice.
  10. 6 pints a week for us from mcqueen's. 3 bottles on a Tuesday, 3 on Friday.
  11. I can smell the seafield stench the minute I step outside at work.
  12. Please make sure dobbie is pish on Wednesday and Saturday next week please. Thanks.
  13. Missed the bus, so T in the local miners club it is.
  14. A pub in musselburgh has just re-opened and is sellling the glorious T for £2.50 a pint. I had planned to stay in and have some tins, but maybe not...
  15. My boss was in the hibs squad for that game. Didn't make the subs bench, but dave Beaumont, who'd hardly kicked a ball all season, did.
  16. "Archie" anywhere else in the world, but in scotland he'll be "erchie".
  17. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, your pilot for today is grimbo"
  18. I stayed at an air b&b a mile from ruel street at the weekend. It could have been me.
  19. Can I add something here - with mental health, you should NEVER say or think that you can't afford to take time off work. Your state of mind and wellbeing is far more important than your employment. Health should come before wealth. I've been down that path myself, was signed off for a week because of overwhelming issues, and I was a first more concerned about letting my work down, but after some thought, I decided to put ME first.
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