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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Stayed at my mates house whilst watching the UFC with a few others. After some spicy pizza and dark ales, my sleeping bag is like a gas chamber.
  2. f**k off you pair, cant decide between jam and bacon now!!
  3. I have developed an unhealty obsession for aberdeen butteries. Bang goes the healthy eating.
  4. I wonder if Kate still gets a card from wee maddie??
  5. These daft silly name things, like "amed sheeran" and "Amin yashed", it's wearing thin.
  6. If you need to go, then go. A man has to shite, doesn't matter how busy you are.
  7. How long till he's put on gardening leave??
  8. I had the pleasure of meeting zen archer today. Bloody nice bloke.
  9. Give me an old style spit and sawdust pub over an idendikit wetherspoons anyday.
  10. That's all i managed to get before the traffic lights changed.
  11. I saw one of the worst attempts at a boy-racer Mobile on the way home tonight. Check the nick of the exhaust.
  12. Next purchase will be a pair of leather trainers. Bought my hamburgs just before xmas and I've probably worn them about 4 times.
  13. I'm on the bus on the way through, I met a nice chap at the bus stop, ok if he joins the party?? He claims to be quite good at pool.
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