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Everything posted by philpy

  1. The girl from our office at work, her cousin died today, 14 years old.
  2. End clothing has a good looking sale on just now. Hamburgs for £45. http://www.endclothing.com/gb/sale/sneakers?dir=asc&footwear_size_label=266882
  3. So, vinyl appears to be making a comeback - how many people are still collecting it or have started buying it again?? I got an old school stereo system free from gumtree, and have been picking up some second hand stuff, mainly from charity shops. The charity shops around the Nicholson street area of Edinburgh are absolute treasure troves. The wife is getting me some new LP's for xmas, Along with a new crossley turntable.
  4. If it had been the good AIDS, you would have been fine. The Bad AIDS, on the other hand, you'd be getting a minutes silence at parkhead and anfield.
  5. That big red Coca Cola truck is coming to asda at the Jewel tommorow. Means the usual 5pm rat race to get home will be even worse, as I have to drive past asda on the way home.
  6. Nice wee present from the hotel we are staying in at Glasgow. Lol.
  7. If anyone needs a new slow cooker, argos have 3.5ltr crockpots down from £60 to £24
  9. I know what you mean, but people's refusal to even take symptom relief doesn't help. When we used to have a lodger, he was a heavy smoker who was very prone to colds and chest infections, but instead of Taking any meds, he would just sit and cough his guts up, spreading his germs everywhere. He would rather spend every last penny on vodka and fags rather than a bottle of cough medicine.
  10. People who have the cold or flu but are too stubborn to take anything for it, meaning everyone else ends up with it.
  11. Smokers would get more respect if they weren't so messy. I don't finish a bottle of beer and throw my bottle on the pavement..
  12. Fair point. By the way, you never did post that recipe up for the salmon and spinach lasagne.
  13. I saw that coming a mile away. Anyway, given my past behaviour I don't think Adam would be in a Rush to have a pint with me anyhow.
  14. Watch it!! I'll be in Glasgow Tuesday and Wednesday next week, I'll try and tone my accent down in case yer around, Ken?? I know what you mean though, sometimes the fife accent can be strong. I've developed a slight Edinburgh twang since I moved over this side of the water.
  15. Try getting out of seafield industrial estate on to seafield road at 5pm. There's always guaranteed to be a car transporter being unloaded at the side of the road further up, meaning every c**t drives in the right hand lane heading towards portobello. Then there's the nightly queue on sir Harry Lauder road, always queued right back down to the railway bridge. A journey that takes 15 minutes at 12pm on a Saturday can take over 30 minutes on a weekday.
  16. Hate posting on this thread, due to how some other people view me on here. I'm at a very low point just now. Does anyone just feel like Cutting off from everything socially completely?? That's how I feel, and I just can't get to the bottom of it. Work related stress isn't helping, we get no support from head office, and the workload is too much. I'm coming home in a foul mood every night, and it's causing major arguments. Me and the wife have tickets for Kevin bridges in Glasgow in a weeks time, everything is all paid for, but I keep getting the urge to burn the gig and train tickets and cancel the hotel, because for some reason I'm getting thoughts in my head that some idiot will spoil the night and I will end up doing something stupid. I'm really worried about my mental health but I'm scared shitless to speak to anyone. I've already had to talk myself out of walking out of work 3 this week.
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