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Everything posted by philpy

  1. f**k the idiot with the Clio, her and her husband (he has the wee red van) park at an angle in the corner all the time otherwise, won't have any sympathy if they get blocked in.
  2. Look over the far away side, if the focus and the bmw were parked better, another 2 cars would get in there.
  3. After months of e-mails, east Lothian council have bowed to pressure and marking out lines in our street so folk will park correctly. This is what we have to put up with.
  4. To the tune of Scotland the brave - Yak yak my arse is calling, Must have been the porridge I Ate this morning, Up to the toilet door, Plop, on the floor, Is there is no toilet paper, Use yer finger as a scraper, That's what you get for eating Scott's porridge oats.
  5. Nothing wrong with making it up the night before . Saves time in the morning. I'll make my sandwiches up, wrap them in foil and it keeps them nice and fresh.
  6. People who make up their lunch for work in the morning. Odd behaviour.
  7. I was talking about Facebook, not P&B. And for the record, I've not posted on that topic for ages, and I don't intend too. Been sorting myself out a bit.
  8. This. Keep depression issues to yourself (not meaning yourself directly). If you have problems then speak to someone face to face
  9. Oh no. No way. The last time i did that, it turned into a farce.
  10. I'm only along the road from you, I can easily smash yer telly up.
  11. I've PM'd grimbo, he's up for it. In fact, let's keep it to PM's between those who are interested, before the west coasters start moaning.
  12. I'd be up for a pubcrawl of some sort in Edinburgh, for sure.
  13. Event time I drink, I say the same, except I'm no self employed. What's your trade billy??
  14. Me as well, although I won't play anyone at pool.
  15. Oh gosh, forgot about Oor grimbo. It used to be the elm bar, changed to Something else now. Used to do a very nice haggis pakora.
  16. Billy, me you and throbber can do a leith walk pub crawl. f**k those west coast c***s and their salt and sauceless chips.
  17. We seem to heading off track here anyway, I've been looking at the adidas "roms" - any good??
  18. Aye. But I can see you buying them, after all that does look like they have shite on them.
  19. Could you imagine someone with OCD buying those?? It would be their worst fucking nightmare.
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