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Everything posted by philpy

  1. f**k sake Mrs dynamite, I can't remember, and I can't be fucked going downstairs to check. I'll tell ye in the morning.
  2. Homemade steak, sausage and ale pie tonight. A whole bottle of inveralmond brewery "lia fail" went in, along with two stock pots, a stock cube, and a dash of Worcester sauce. My best effort yet.
  3. Ally g is in the almondvale suite, I'll see if he's selling tickets
  4. Will you be at livi Tommorow pal? Will buy some raffle tickets if you have any.
  5. Cheers addie sir. One of the few folk on here that doesn't get their kicks from harping on about things that happened in the past. I do however find it laughable that people can accuse other posters of "lying". Yep, I've done it once in the past, yet some folk see fit to accuse me of making up everything else these days. Just remember one thing folks - one swallow does not make a summer.
  6. I couldn't care less to be honest, however I bet you will w**k yourself into oblivion when myself and wisbit make the list.
  7. Sorry. I just couldn't resist. You could be right about the commission thing BTW, now that I think about it, would make sense I suppose.
  8. I'm going to analyse the wife's documents just now. Fnar fnar.
  9. Aye it fucking is. All you've done is set the stage for 8yardshiteslinger and bedsit03 to trade more childish insults at each other. Ken??
  10. Work is very busy at the moment. We have two staff In the yard and warehouse with a huge daily workload, and premises not large enough to cope with the amount of materials that go out over the course of a week. The boss has been trying to get another guy for the yard and warehouse, only to be told they can't afford someone else. We've found out today that we are getting another person in. A sales rep. Aye, just what we need. Stupid decision.
  11. The boy is fucking raging. People on here would have a field day with that
  12. It genuinely wasn't, unless I've suddenly aged 8 years and moved to pathhead.
  13. Found a wallet lying on the ground near my work this morning, managed to track the owner down. He had the same name as me. What are the chances of that.
  14. There ye go. It's chicken, leek, and ham with creme fraiche and White wine, topped with filo pastry.
  15. Homemade lentil soup, with a main course of chicken and ham tangle pie for the main course.
  16. Fair do's, I thought you'd maybe worked in the area before.
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