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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Does odd-coloured shite travel further or faster, when launched in a projectile manner??
  2. They should put a put another entrance to the sainsburys at Cameron toll. Speaking as a regular visitor (the wife works in a care home round the corner), walking halfway through the centre can be a pain at times. Philpo.
  3. The wife is watching strictly come dancing, sitting clapping like a seal on a sugar Rush, whilst cheering loudly. FOR f**k SAKE WOMAN, ITS PEOPLE DANCING
  4. A 7 hour drinking session has ended up with 4 shites today, and a hangover that just won't shift. Getting too old for this carry on.
  5. Missing the chance to meet Gregg Wallace at an event in November due to other commitments. Gutted doesn't even begin to cover it.
  6. Bugger, will deactivate my account later then. Had enough of it, I posted a rant about people speaking about Xmas already. One of the wife's friends thought it would be "funny" to post an Xmas countdown on my timeline every day. She turned up to visit tonight, she brought two pairs of Xmas socks as a "present". They went straight in the bin outside.
  7. I second that. I could eat a tube of them just Now, cheers Bobby ya c**t.Oh and weirdcal, you are outvoted on this one.
  8. Seriously though, as much as I like adidas trainers, for Some reason I just couldn't justify paying £145 for a pair.
  9. £145 for those hamburgs. That's why she'd kill me.
  10. Bought a pair the other week, if you read back.
  11. The black and white hamburgs on the End sight - oooft! Although the wife would kill me if I bought them.
  12. P&b regular grim o' Grady gets a free fish supper every night if he signs off every post with "grimbo". Philpo.
  13. Someone on Facebook trying to sell these. Good luck!
  14. My next purchase will be another pair of Beckenbauers, in another colourway. Love the pair I've got already, very comfy and stylish.
  15. A Bulgarian family have moved into a house over the road. Cue massive BE A WEAR status updates when the local facebook gossip merchants find out.
  16. They were nice until i spilt paint over them.
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