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Everything posted by philpy

  1. One of the drivers at work today cut his finger. On a Health and safety sign.
  2. If you don't know the full story, maybe you should shut the f**k up. I'm a tad dissapointed at LM's intial reaction to the whole thing, especially when I thought she was one of the decent folk, but there you go eh. I'm not going to hold a grudge against people however.
  3. That Nokia advert with clean bandit. What a bunch of c***s they come across as.
  4. There's a programme about GP's on channel 5 right if anyone is interested, the focus is seemingly on mental health issues this week.
  5. Sore neck. Hardly slept a wink last night and was a tad grumpy at work today.
  6. Gemma Atkinson is in it now. I might go back to watching it.
  7. Old 'Miley has done it in style this time.
  8. I've had a better couple of days, went to the gym a couple of times to relax myself a bit and get all my frustrations out. Had a good chat with one of my pals that's had a few issues and he's a lot better, which has put my mind at ease a lot. Onwards and upwards.
  9. Yep, and they never post photos of losing bets either lol
  10. 10 years ago tommorow, I watched as my dad tried to take his own life, thankfully my neighbour talked him out of it. I'm struggling a bit This week with that coming back to my mind as well. I'd like to apologise to Mrs M for being a bit nippy yesterday, I feel like I'm pushing folk away with my antics just now.
  11. Ha! Never proof-read that, did I?? Good spot!
  12. Took a bit of a brainstorm today and went a bit OTT on facebook today. A number of family and personal issues are really starting to get me down, I ended up shutting myself in the toilet at work today and had a good cry to myself, the scary thing is I don't even know what's brought it on. I'm scared of going to see a GP, I feel like I would be a burden.
  13. My head is firmly up my arse just now, wish I was going abroad just now, not in fucking September.
  14. I'll hold my hands up and admit I went about it the wrong way, but believe you me there was no attention seeking involved, I've learned my lesson on that from here.
  15. Fair enough, you're entitled to Yer opinion, calling me an attention seeking tosspot may be somewhat harsh though, you should have added a "fucking" before the attention bit lol
  16. That'll be me then yeah?? I Waited until I got in till i deleted it, a few folk sent me their mobile numbers through messenger, hence the reason I kept it open.
  17. People (old ones in particular) who don't look whilst Crossing the road, twice today I've nearly knocked one down today, both of them clearly had sunday hymns on their minds, as both instances were near churches. And while I'm at it, that Jess Glynn, I'm sick of hearing her on the fuckin radio All of the time, she's just another average female singer.
  18. Thanks for the advice everyone, one of mates became a dad recently, so I've suggested him and a few others (and me of course) have a day in Edinburgh to wet the bairns head, he seems keen on the idea, so it's a start.
  19. Fair enough, there are a lot of folk like that. With that in mind, my suggestion of a few drinks in Glasgow with my wife and I and you two still Stands, but if you're not up for it because of those reasons stated above then I understand. I've got a lot of respect for Adam and yourself, you have both achieved a lot in life, and I'll be honest, I did think Adam was a bit of a prat when I first started using P&B, but you've fairly tamed him lol
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