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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Cheers man. I've been doing a lot of gym work as well, combined with a physical job. Cut down on my drinking as well, I've had 3 bottles of ale since last weekend, feel a lot better for it.
  2. Since the end of January I've lost weight nearly every week, apart from putting 1/2lb on 2 weeks ago. I've went from 14st 2.5 lbs to 13st 5lbs. Very, very happy with that. I'm hoping to get down to around the 11st Mark by September.
  3. Been to olivebank a few times this season to watch musselburgh atheletic. Good day out. Nae polis, or nazi stewards telling you to sit down. And low priced catering as well.
  4. That's the one. Just as bad as the cockwombles with the "Leavers" hoodies. We get it, you went to uni and left. Well fucking done
  5. I had to use another gym today, as my local one was getting work done. My blood was boiling as soon is I pulled into the car park. Cyclists. Everywhere. There had been a triathlon today, and the place was full of identikit fuckwits. Generally just getting in the way, and All sporting the same "LOOK AT ME I'VE DONE SPORTY THINGS" t-shirts and hoodies. Just f**k off eh???
  6. I really hope you can get Things sorted out, soap. I can't Begin to imagine how hard it must be, and kudos to you for speaking about it. I know I'd struggle to cope, my wife has had a few "moments" of late, but after reading your story I feel a bit of a fraud. Chin up mate, I hope to god you get things sorted out.
  7. Getting there a bit now. The missus is getting a bit better health wise, we have a week away booked for our 5th anniversary in September, which is giving us something to focus on. I had a bit of a meltdown on facebook a few weeks ago (which was well documented) but hopefully I can make amends with the people I had a dig at. I managed to track down a couple of old friends that I've not seen for over ten years, so numbers have been swapped and drinks arranged. I've been a bit of a c**t the last few weeks but I feel I'm getting things sorted out now. Onwards and upwards.
  8. Glad to hear that she's on the mend keith. My wife had major surgery on her foot a year and a half ago, had her tendons re-aligned and her arch rebuilt. Enjoy the butler duties mate, it'll keep you fit!!
  9. The girl from the office at work. She always comes into the canteen at lunchtime to make her and the bosses' coffee, which is fair enough, but she always "sings" some crappy song when the kettle is boiling. I'm in the canteen to enjoy my peace and quiet, not to have it shattered by a warbling bint. She's lucky she's not in St Johns hospital with 3rd degree burns from a freshly boiled kettle.
  10. I'll put in for a collection only if it's someone I like or know really well. Anybody else can f**k off.
  11. Edinburgh and it's constant stream of road works. 45 minutes to get from seafield road to wallyford.
  12. Listen, I might be an arsehole, but I'm not 40+ and I don't dress or act like a student. I do have a beard though, does that count??
  13. Nowt wrong with real ale my son. Beats shite Like fosters and carling hands-down.
  14. I walked out of 2 pubs in newcastle last year, because they didn't have any real ales on tap. Nothing wrong with going to the pub on your own. Find a nice quiet corner, grab a paper and a pint and just chill out.
  15. Listen to the intro of this, and then listen to the start of "shake it off"
  16. It runs out of bells?? What are they meant to drink??
  17. For the last 2 days, anytime i eat anything I have the shits about ten minutes later. The weird thing is, I've never had a sore stomach or felt sick.
  18. So, you'll , eh, be riding shotgun tonight then, so to speak??
  19. I've been an idiot, I'll hold my hands up to that. It's little wonder nobody wants to talk to me, let alone socialise with me. Just need to sort my head out and act my age. I feel embarrassed and quite awkward to be honest.
  20. Awww come on div!! I can't use the word H-u-n?? Booooooo
  21. Glad To see things are getting better - there's one phrase i use with regards to work related stress - "health before wealth". I admit I was a bit worried about you, but I didn't want to pester you about it as you clearly had enough to worry about it.
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