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Everything posted by philpy

  1. To be honest zen, I've not been to a game this season. I've seen us getting humped on the telly twice though. I've lost interest a bit to be fair. The time put petrol in the car and drive over the bridge to fife, get a bite to eat and a drink, there's the best part of £40 already. And all for a poor end product on the park??
  2. Maybe the players will show some respect to someone that isn't a soft touch like Murray.
  3. Bought these on Friday. Pretty comfy, I've got ten pairs of adidas so I thought it was time for a wee change.
  4. One of our customers died suddenly on a job this morning. Right in front of his dad and his workmates. He was only 41. Poor guy. Can't believe it.
  5. f**k, the way you are going you'll be taking up permanent residence In the west end of Edinburgh....
  6. What?? 4 pages and no sign of monster?? Aaaaanyway, these are my faves -
  7. To be fair, Keith, you should have stopped for a break, f**k that. You're entitled to it, no matter how busy you are.
  8. I've stopped using Facebook for a bit. Too much "birthday caird pish" as jack and victor would say. Those dead baby pics with "don't scroll down without typing amen" were the tipping point for me. No fuckin need at all.
  9. I've had 7 half pints of dark ale at the beer festival In my local, a portion of onion rings, and 3 quarters of a bar of fruit and nut. The cludgie awaits carnage in the morning. I nearly bought a bar of "old Jamaica" instead of the fruit and nut. That would have sped up the process a bit.
  10. [quote name="Zen Archer" post="8931270" timestamp="1415400591" centrifugal force .
  11. I'm getting one of thon tassimo machines for Xmas. Bought this yesterday. For the grand sum of £29.50. Brilliant. I've made 2 batches of soup today already.
  12. Oi! My worktop is clean now. and worringly, my mum is called Alice...
  13. People who don't cover their mouths when they cough. Keep your germs to yourselves!!
  14. This has been doing my head in - why do folk drive to their work, and then get out of the car and let their other half drive away??
  15. I wouldn't know, I've never watched it. Thanks though.
  16. There's one of those "five guys" places opening in Edinburgh.
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