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Everything posted by philpy

  1. That guy played "hallam" in londons burning!!
  2. Another early morning visit from mr Hay and his Fever orchestra.
  3. Fuxake, use tripadvisor the next time you have a bad holiday.
  4. Never been in a fight, been hit, or even hit anyone at all.
  5. Wee tip - rub some Vaseline under your nostrils, and under your eyes. Works wonders for me.
  6. This house, a 2 minute walk away, somehow won an award in the wallyford gala day. The painter guy from the fast show would be going mental.
  7. IF thats what it is. Its woken me during the night. It could be just that im lying with my hand under me maybe, I dunno.
  8. I'm sure i've got this carpol tunnel syndrome thing. My right hand is sore as f**k. Looked up the symptoms online, everything points towards it. Anyone else had this before???
  9. I've been getting bother with my right hand, the wife thinks I might have "channel tunnel syndrome".
  10. A lesbian crimewriter as a sponsor. Nowt wrong with it, just a good thing big marv isnt still at the rovers.
  11. Ive booked calistoga for me and anne next saturday. It better be good I tells ya, IT BETTER BE GOOD
  12. Exactly. Baird has gone - get over it folks!! He's not the only striker in the world, although judging by some folks' reactions, you would think otherwise.
  13. Im a distant relative of henry the 8th.
  14. Well done saints. I was rooting for them, despite them putting us (raith) out of the cup. My wife's cousin is Steven Anderson's mother-in law, so it was nice from a family point of view. Enjoy your night saintees!!
  15. Right. I accepted a friend request from a wife's workmate. But she is doing my fuckin nut in. Constant selfies, check-ins (at nando's, cheeky wee frankly and bens, nice wee cheeky maccy dees), all the usual nonsense. I told the wife I was deleting her, only to be told "you can't delete her, she needs all the friends she has, her mum is dying of cancer, the pics and updates are her way of dealing with things". Should i just ignore the wife and delete her, or should I do "the right thing" and keep her as a friend??
  16. Don't lie. Here's the evidence. Shortly after you left cargo, this photo was taken.
  17. We never got on board, SJC claimed that the place was like a bombsite. Either that or the sly old seadog had another visitor.
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