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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Waiting on word about an interview for a new job. It's a 5 minute walk from the house, and a 12pm finish every Friday. That would be bloody perfect.
  2. This Classic was on the other night
  3. Hey, I stay in the same village as the guy, what am I meant to do??
  4. Spoke to grant Murray when he was out walking his dog today, couldn't bring it on myself to mention yesterday's result. He seemed pissed off enough as it was.
  5. Well done. What did you put on your chips instead then??
  6. The thing Is though, most of them are self-employed, and they know fine well what time we try to get our lunch at, but yet they still keep doing it.
  7. The sudden rush of customers at lunchtime. Why cant they just not come in in the morning??
  8. My boss has had ELEVEN coupons up in a row. Jammy c**t
  9. Where the f**k did my post about my work-shy colleague go to??
  10. Trying to motivate a 17 year old lad at work. It just isn't happening.
  11. f**k sake, I'm getting depressed reading about the depression surrounding the depression on the depression thread!
  12. After putting 8 1/2 lbs on over the festive period, ive took nearly 5lbs of that in the last 3 weeks, so im getting there. Had a good gym session today which included 11k on the hybrid cycle, 10k on the spin bike, 10k on the cross trainer, 2000 mtrs on the rowing machine, and 10 minutes on the leg press. Legs are aching, which isnt a bad thing.
  13. Go for it. When was the last time you bought a pair of trainers??
  14. After 5 years in remission, my mum has been given the all-clear from breast cancer. Me and the wife have signed up to do the walk 10 for marie curie, those nurses dont get enough credit for the fantastic work that they do.
  15. Ha! Nah, the wheelchair is finished with. Back on her feet, so to speak. Not 100% yet, but getting there.
  16. I would, but had a coffee when we got in, can't bloody sleep now!
  17. Just back in from having supper at a friends house, been there since 7pm. I was driving because I'm working tommorow. The wife seems to think its funny to sit and sip the same glass off wine for nearly an hour, whilst blethering to her pal, while I'm sitting there wanting to get to my bed, Cos I'm up at 6.40 in the morning. Unreasonable behaviour on her behalf surely??
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