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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Any adverts in general that result with the accompanying song being played non-stop on the radio.
  2. Yes, I'm well aware of that Dave, but it's just a general pain in the arse having to wait longer it get out of the street and on to the main road.
  3. East lothian council's decision to put speed bumps on the main road through the village at the bottom of our street. It takes ages to get of the street at the best of times due to the sheer volume of traffic, but now its an even longer wait due to folk having to slow down for the speed bumps.
  4. People who eat boiled sweets. Sook, crunch, sook, crunch. Noisy fuckers.
  5. Just had a very nice omlette. 3 eggs, with diced up black pudding and potato scone, with a dash of HP brown sauce.
  6. I'm getting sedated to get 4 teeth taken out. Should be a laugh.
  7. The wife is off to see Michael buble tonight. That's ok for her, but I've been subjected to his music for the last 2 days since she found out she was going.
  8. The wife is off to see Michael buble tonight. That means one thing - complete control of the sky+ remote for me.
  9. He didn't need ID, the bouncers logged onto P&B and saw it.
  10. Where's jock001?? I thought surely he would have been on to blame the pilot by now....
  11. ^^^ Can't afford a padlock. Back on topic, that song by "clean bandit". More overplayed shite.
  12. Someone reported a pic I posted because it had the word "w**k" in it.
  13. I made a pot of scrambled egg, fried 2 bits of steak slice sausage, chopped it up and mixed it through the egg and topped with HP sauce. Lovely.
  14. Waking up at your normal time when you have a day off. I thought switching the alarm off would help, but no, I still woke up at 5.40 am
  15. You always post funny stuff zen. Thats the wonder of you.
  16. Madison's, Musselburgh. That second one is crying out for a caption.
  17. Try Burton's. If you buy a boiler they will chuck in a free retro scotland top.
  18. Bricking it? Surely they should have finished building it first...
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