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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Just created a weird but tasty concoction. One naan bread, buttered and toasted, topped with 4 rashers of bacon, 2 potato scones, and brown sauce.
  2. I've forgotten how much I hate hospitals. Been sitting a room waiting on the wife coming out of surgery since 8pm, I've walked up and down the corridor and paced round the room umpteen times, I just can't settle at all.
  3. Just witnessed the aftermath of an accident between a car and a mobility scooter near tesco at corstorphine. The scooter was wrecked, just hope the persons involved are Ok
  4. Baldragon?? Is that estragon's hairless brother??
  6. My wife is going in for surgery on Friday. Getting her whole right ankle rebuilt more or less. I'm probably more nervous than her TBH. It's going to be a 6 month recovery period as well, but its for the best.
  7. In terms of unfunny folk, Miranda hart wins hands down. Oh and she's a cross between a t-Rex and a horse.
  8. It was a pleasure to put a face to the name. Just don't go stalking me know ye know where I live.
  9. Decided to get up at 7am, jump in the car and head for a hike up north berwick law. Worth it alone for the views. I'm going to head back up via the coast route and get some more photos. I love having one of the most scenic parts of the country on my doorstep.
  10. I misread that as "telephone baking apprentice" at first. Have a virtual greenie though sir, as I'm posting this from my freshly oven baked iPhone.
  11. I wish Lucy and her perma - scowl would f**k off.
  12. Boiled sweets should be banned. I just detest the noise of people eating them.
  13. That's the last time I eat a sandwich with sweetcorn and peppers on it then a protein bar afterwards. I must have just shat out a third of my body weight.
  14. Aye, obviously they can ask other for help and stuff, I think it's more about them standing talking to each other on the shop floor or at the tills.
  15. No, no. The staff got a row for exchanging numbers with each other.
  16. Was speaking to the girl 2 doors up from us who works in the new village shop, she was saying that the boss is a nightmare to work for. He does not let the staff speak to each other while they are working, they are not allowed to speak to customers, he even gave them a warning for exchanging mobile numbers. The icing on the cake is this one - he went mad at the staff for organising a night out, OUTWITH working hours. What a complete and utter shitsnake.
  17. Newspapers that think we don't know which songs people sing. For instance, "Rihanna has spotted on holiday in Skegness, enjoying a fish supper. The umbrella singer is in the uk for promo work". Really, I didn't know she sung that song, I thought it was one direction.
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