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Everything posted by philpy

  1. 3 years married today. Wasn't sure whether to put this in the RTBC thread or the PTTGOYN thread.
  2. I've only ever done a nightshift once in my life, it was only a week but never again. I was doing PCB kitting for solectron in Dunfermline, there was a huge clock on the wall at the workstation which didnt help.
  3. Haddock loin, diced up and served with tomato and chilli sauce on a bed of basmati rice.
  4. Macdonald's used to be called "makdonalds".
  5. A huge piece of haddock from the Eyemouth fishmonger who was at east fortune market today.
  6. Folk that can't take a ribbing about their football team. I made a joke in the pub last night about hearts being a registered charity, some idiot wanted to "put me through the window" and said that i "shouldn't say things like that in a pub". What an idiot, wouldn't like to see him at the football.
  7. Day off work, I'm just going to lie and watch 6 episodes of mid morning matters back to back. Jackanackanory!!
  8. I recognise the guy that plays the man that partridge Locked in the petrol station, its Owen from corrie isn't it??
  9. This, from one of the wife's pals page -hi everyone, that's rab home fae hospital after another angina attack, he is lying on the sofa eating slice sausage rolls". Aye, sensible eating after angina trouble eh??
  10. Agency drivers. We got one in today as cover, took him 2 hours to get from here (leith) to turnhouse.
  11. Good stuff!! I'll be cracking open that wee bottle of Jura later, how jammy was that eh??
  12. Had a pint and a blether with David hayman at the halfway house yesterday. Top bloke.
  13. Homemade curry loaf. Easy, cook one pack of bachelors savoury rice, mix in 3 beaten eggs, one tin of chickpea Dahl, put the mixture into a loaf tin and cook in the oven for 30-40 minutes.
  14. Good grief. I know the one with the specs.
  15. Quartermile, gorgie, or ocean terminal?? I use the latter, I get some strange looks when I wear my old Raith tops lol
  16. That would crack me up. I get cranky as f**k when give someone a lift somewhere and they take ages.
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