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Everything posted by philpy

  1. A family friend of the wife is taking his wife and daughter to Belfast to partake in an orange walk. Their daughter was born severely premature and has major learning difficulties and needs round the clock care and meditation. The poor kid won't know what's going on, so why take her?? My biggest fear is the march turning violent and something happening to her. Fuckin idiots, they have the option of respire care for the weekend.
  2. The wife's pal was up earlier with her 7 year old niece. She asked if peppa pig was on the tv. I told her no, peppa is in the fridge Cos I'm having her on a sandwich in the morning. I'm a bad man.
  3. I went to the docs the other day, i said "doc, my cock has turned orange!" He asked what I do all day, I said "I eat wotsits and watch porn"
  4. My wife is constant pain with her right foot, and will need surgery to basically rebuild it. However, due to Edinburgh city council's over-zealous approach to absences, she will have to wait nearly three months as if she goes off sick again she may lose her job. She is going to see the union rep to see if there is a way around it.
  5. Need some tips and advice - I'm planning on doing a bit of running as part of weight loss regime. I've never really been out running before however, what's the best way to ease myself in gently??
  6. Got an ipad mini today. Sent from my iPhone Cos the wife is hogging the ipad.
  7. Good luck SLJ. Hope you get through this mate, all the best.
  8. Sound. What's that cargo bar round the corner like for food?? The wife was speaking about giving it a try.
  9. I may be going for a dander around fountainbridge on saturday, I'll say hello if I walk past yer floating fort.
  10. Brothers toffee apple cider. Wasn't sure about it at first but it's rather nice.
  11. Our niece was in Glasgow today, totally unaware of the orange walks before she headed there, she got off the train at queen street, walked practically straight into an orange walk, whilst wearing a green dress.
  12. I take it farmfoods can't offer him anything then??
  13. Just saw and advert for an album with "some of the best voices ever". 2 of the artists were James Arthur and Jessie j. Not sure if serious.
  14. The only reason I'm not in bed Is because we have guests here.
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