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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I am being genuine. I'm back at work tommorow after a weeks holiday, and I'm already getting worked up and anxious about going back tommorow. The wife's pal and her man have came up for a bite to eat and a few drinks, but I feel like just going up to my bed and shutting the curtains, but that Would just be fucking selfish.
  2. I've been looking on jobsites everyday, and have registered my CV with numerous companies, but as I've already stated, getting a job in Edinburgh or east Lothian Isn't just that easy.
  3. Nope. Head office (based in Dundee) are utter c***s. My boss wants an extra worker in, even if Its just "seasonal" but they won't fork out for it. Basically, if me or the other lad are on our own, we Dont get a lunch break. Against the working time law surely?? When my boss mentions it to head office He is told "if you don't like it, you know where the door is". I clock up a shitload of overtime, handy you might think, but not when the hours and workload takes its toll both mentally and physically.
  4. Cheers Mikey. I've been putting off speaking to my GP, purely because i feel like I'd be moaning about nothing, especially when there are folk with more to deal with than me.
  5. I know I'm trying, but trying to find something along the lines of what I'm doing just now (building supplies) isn't easy. I'm worried about my parents as well, my dad has virtually no work at the moment, and my mum only works part time and has suffered from ill health over the last few years.
  6. Don't start that pish. I for one wouldn't accuse people of attention seeking on this thread. And as paranoid android said, finding a new job ain't easy, especi
  7. I knew someone would say that. I'm having to work long hours with hardly any help at times, as well, and it is getting to me a bit. You've got to remember that folk cope differently with things at the end of the day. I get frustrated at the simplest of things sometimes at it can put me in a mood for quiet a while
  8. Continued. She will have to go in for major surgery at the end of the year, I'm just worried that between work and looking after her, I'm really going to burn myself out. I'm taking 2 weeks off when she gets the operation done, but its beggining to get to me already. Finances are shit as well, we can't seem to get any savings together and I'm worried its going to bite us if anything goes wrong with the car or something. I'm bottling everything up and I don't know who to turn to.
  9. I'm feeling a bit low at the moment, to the point I want to walk out of my job. There are only 2 of us in the yard/warehouse, and if one of us is on holiday, the other person has to do everything on their own. We get orders to make up, then the bosses end up constantly changing them or adding to them, or they give you orders to do 10 minutes before you go for lunch, If you question it you get told "try being in the office, we don't even get a break" I'm only still there as the money Is good and there is nothing else going just now, but its getting to the point where I'm asking myself, is health more important than wealth? It's not just work, the wife has had problems with her health
  10. The orange march up here started at eight, but before that they had started to gather at 5.30 in the fuckin morning in a neighbours garden.
  11. Incredibly pissed at them?? Stop drinking so early then.
  12. It kind of resembled the "club singer" round on shooting stars. Eranu!!
  13. The wife thought John Newman was a woman until she saw him.
  14. Don't. An Orc 2 doors up from us has got all his decorations up, and everyone from the walk are meeting outside his house at 6am. I'm usually awake by then for work, but this week I'm on holiday.
  15. If I try to be angry will it make you funny??
  16. Had a 10" pizza at inn deep today, black pudding, haggis and spicy chicken.
  17. I'm in. In fact, I'm here already
  18. Folk that let other drivers out of junctions near a set of lights, causing you to miss getting through. Sod the p***ks wanting out of the junction, get through the lights when they are at green!!
  19. I would suspect that mr begg is one of "them", in other words, a bitter sevco fan with a vandetta against raith, just like the rest of them.
  20. Meatballs on a toasted wholemeal sub with cheese and mango sauce
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