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Everything posted by philpy

  1. What would he make of it all should ra cellick ever get the chance to f**k off to engerlund?? On a Celtic related note, the constant "bhoys" references by the media are getting tiresome And cringeworthy (a bit like my work related musings eh, LAWL). "Top bhoy" "golden bhoy" "new bhoy" "life bhoy" (aye, I made the last one up, but you get the point)
  2. Get curier signed up. Proven at this level, and plenty experience.
  3. I don't hate working, and I don't hate customers. Quite the opposite in fact. Got to be professional - I can't moan at customers if they turn up at awkward times. The other guy i work with (who is the foreman) is an ex-navy butthead lookalike who barely acknowledges the people he serves and his personality matches that of a blackboard. I'll happily talk to and have a bit of banter and a laugh and a chat about football with most of the customers. In fact most of them come to me rather than the other guy.
  4. Porridge?? Nah, your alright son. I'd rather work through my break than be running to the shithouse.
  5. What, would you deem having lunch at 2pm having started at 7am as acceptable?? 7 hours with no break (ok, maybe a cuppa whilst on the go, but still..), f**k that, and it's against the working laws.
  6. We do - but there are only 2 of us in the warehouse/yard. The counter staff do try and help if they can, especially when one of us is off sick or on holiday, but if it's really busy then can't get get away from the sales counter to help us. The working time regulators would have a field day if they knew folk were going for days without a break due to a lack of cover. I'd quite happily blow the whistle on that matter should I ever leave. Ignore my first sentence - there are actually 3 of us, sorry. The other guy stocks up the Ironmongery, sweeps up and helps us with orders, but he is only in from 8-12 and can't work any longer than that due to child care issues.
  7. Just my opinion on the matter folks, after all it's part of the nature of the thread. LM, you can have the benefit of the doubt given the nature of your profession.
  8. Plenty of the other merchants do it, walker timber, keyline, and a few of the plumbers merchants as well. It can be a busy time, but when you have folk that are on their feet from 7am and are entitled to a break, something has to give. There have been days where I've not had my lunch until 2pm FFS
  9. Also, a few of the customers wouldn't come in at the time if they had the choice, but if their bosses tell them go for materials, then they've got to follow orders I suppose.
  10. I know gaz, it just gets a bit nippy. All the managers at the other branches (and ours) have asked head office to consider shutting for an hour at lunchtime, but they won't agree to it. Mind you, the bosses are dundonians...
  11. Work being quiet most of the morning, but the minute it hits lunchtime, the customers all start piling in.
  12. After a bit of a festive blip, I'm getting back to normal. I put 9lbs on, but I've managed to get 7lbs of it back off in the last 5 weeks. In an ideal world I would have liked to have Lost the 9lbs by now, but I'm pleased with my efforts so far.
  13. Watson and hill were excellent yesterday. Dunno who got MOTM, but either of those 2 would have been shoe-ins.
  14. Bambino?? Are you a fuckin woman?? It's a BABY
  15. First of me knowing, better let my wife know first.
  16. On a side note, john MgGlynn has landed the chief scout role at Celtic. Good luck to him.
  17. To top the lot, stv Edinburgh are showing repeats of take the high road.
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