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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Away. a lot of places start cashing up/doing reports ten minutes before they shut, my work included. its fuckin nippy when people come in late, and the worst of it is we always get repeat offenders. I wouldnt do it and have workers hanging back late.
  2. Thats not the point, it's common courtesy that people lack. I certainly would not go into a shop 10 minutes before it shut and fanny about for 5 minutes before i decided to buy something or look at loads of stuff and walk out 20 minutes later without even buying anything. I understand that these workers have things to do and places to go, i just wish more folk would realise that. The worst offenders are the ones that come in with a car boot full of shopping. Asda - open 24 hrs on a saturday. My work - open 8-12 on a saturday. The general public are idiots at times.
  3. Folk who come into your work 10 minutes before you close. Just f**k right off.
  4. Someone on gumtree is giving away 7 wooden pallettes, should I phone it and shout "WIDDEN PALLETS" down the phone???
  5. Nipped out to asda earlier, and when I got home there was a load of nails lying in the space where I usually park, they weren't there when i left. If this is someone's idea of a prank then they need a good kick in the balls.
  6. Currently sitting in the last lay-by before the forth road bridge as there was smoke coming from the brakes on the drivers side rear wheel. Fuckin great.
  7. Over-zealous health and safety folk. Just f**k right off eh???
  8. A young lad 2 doors up from us is away on his first tour of duty to afghanistan. Bbc news has just tweeted that 2 of the regiment he is in have been shot dead. I'm fuckin worried like hell.
  9. Rear brake discs on the car are worn down. Might as well get pished tonight, because I won't be driving anywhere tommorow. Peasant shuttle to work on Monday it is then.
  11. Since my last weigh-in, I've lost 4% of my body fat, and nearly 6 lbs. pleased with that, and I've noticed something else, I'm a lot more energetic, especially at work.
  12. I'm on a bit a of a health kick just now. I'm. 5'7, and I'm 14stone 11 pounds. I'm over 32% fat as well, which I'm not too chuffed about. I've cut right out the bad stuff, swapped crisps with rice cakes for instance, I've gave up lager and beer for spirits and diet mixers. Heck, I even gave a case of lager away to my neighbour! The other week when I checked I was just over 15 stone, so that's four pounds off in a week. Not mega, but it's a good start. I bought the "hairy dieters" cookbook, and have used some of the recipes. I would strongly advise buying it, as some of the recipes are fantastic. Anyways, I'm aiming to get down to the 12 stone mark, and if i keep within my current mindset, I feel I can achieve it.
  13. Driiiiiive safely!!!!
  14. People who live in the dark ages. Me and the wife have a lodger at the moment, temporarily. John is gay, which me and the wife have no issues with. He pays rent, does his share of everything etc. however the drivers at my work seem to think its funny for some reason, coming out with childish stuff like "ooh, does yet lodger play with you when the wife's out" or "he's not gay, it's just a front so he can shag yer wife when yer out". Fucksake, stuff like that was maybe "banter" years ago, but it's just shit. Thing is, how do i tell them to shut the f**k up without falling out with them??
  15. Turnbull hutton has had his house in edinburgh broken into and all his jewellery stolen. Wonder how much the sevco fan got for it at cash for gold??
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