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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Did anything worthy of note happen last night? missed the whole episode because the snow wiped our sky signal out.
  2. Not one place in edinburgh has any rock salt at all, not even the builders merchants, and all the supermarkets have pretty much ran out of salt as well.
  3. Musselburgh is very bad at the moment. Thank god it's my day off tommorow, dont think i'd make it to work anyway.
  4. I presume you're talking about the "the bay"? having visited both pubs, i wouldnt hurry back to either of them, especially the clubhouse. The last time i was in there, some chav bird accused me of stealing her seat, even though i'd been sitting in the fuckin thing for about 3 hours before she came in!
  5. O'l swampy's right on his high horse today i see. Seriously, if you cant take a joke in the manner it was intended, what's the point?
  6. It's quite bad on the streets up your area i see. My dad took me up to get something from pidge's house, we nipped round to his mum and dad's, but my dad couldnt get back up the hill so he had to drive over the grass and then off the pavement to get back onto the main road!
  7. Chesterfield. That's now two coupons in a row that i've been let down by one bloody team
  8. Anyone see it tonight? some quality dancing going on!
  9. Why does everyone think it's someone who's leaving that murdered erchie? it could remain a complete mystery for ages! i agree with the comments about phil being funny when he's steaming, he started on about cluedo stuff tonight
  10. I had a pound on 8 homes with betfred yesterday, 2 of them were postponed, i'l get a pay out of around £7 though
  11. They were indeed. It took 25 minutes for the bus to get from one end of musselburgh to the other this morning, i only saw 2 number 26 buses this morning, one heading to clerwood and one to gogarburn, think they had to put that last one on to get folk to the RBS HQ. I had to trudge along from portobello to the far end of seafield road in thick snow, it's about bloody time they ran buses along that stretch of road.
  12. Mk dons done me out of just over £90
  13. Heard today that we will be signing a new striker by the end of the month. The player in question is called Chris Mzampa, he orginally hails from nigeria but is studying at st andrews, he was recommended by one of the youth coaches who is studying at st andrews uni as well. He had a promising career as a junior in his homeland, but decided to further his education in scotland. He will probably play a few games with the reserves first.
  14. I had a pound on arsenal, man utd, norwich, swindon, rochdale, berwick, livi, raith which would have returned just over £25, but the postponment of the raith game decimated it by a tenner. Better than nowt at least, it paid for some real ale.
  15. I was going to put a fiver on the 3.10 at musselburgh, and i forgot about it. my pick won.
  16. The talk of ferguson and mgGregor possibly returning for scotland under the next manager is doing my nut in. At the end of the day, they were pretty much "sacked" by the SFA for gross misconduct, so why should they be welcomed back? if that happened in a workplace outside of football, the other employees wouldnt be happy would they?
  17. Is it a council flat or a private rented flat? if so, complain to them about it, there may be a chance that she hasnt used the proper underlay for a flat. Basically, if she's not using underlay with any soundproofing in it, the council or landlords could tell her to rip it up.
  18. I applied for another job last wednsday, and got a phone call the next day asking me to go for an interview, which was arranged for yesterday. I got there in plenty time, and was told the manager would be with me shortly. A couple of minutes later the assistant manager comes out, looking somewhat bewildered about the whole situation, goes and speaks to the manager, and then comes back and tells me the job had already been filled! while i respect the fact that the manager was not duty-bound to contact me and tell me that they had got someone, i think it was bad practise for someone to not even phone me and let me know what had happened. Does anyone think that i should take the matter further?
  19. Nope. Working yet again, as i do every bloody saturday, still waiting to hear if i got that job or not. Mind you, i've been at one game this season, and we got beat. Might be best if i stay away
  20. For the last 3 nights, someone has been pressing the buzzer for our flat at around 1.30 in the morning. If it happens again the idiots will either be getting the following - a bucket of water chucked over them, a dose of abuse through the intercom, or a visit from the irish p***ks from the x factor.
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