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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Self pity?? f**k right off . A quoted reply to a decent poster regarding a matter already discussed is hardly that. You are clearly a snivelling simpleton who has zero understanding of mental health issues. I, like many other others never saw my parents at Xmas last year, and i would like to see them this year. I'd like to think your parents had blinds on your pram and kept you hidden at every fucking opportunity.
  2. Decision made not to go, after a good think about things. A couple of the family members we are seeing on Sunday are vulnerable, and have underlying health issues. I'm not putting them at risk for the sake of over priced drinks with people I put up with every day at work. Not fussed about losing £40, the company gave us £50 last week and £70 this week through incentive schemes, so I've used that to buy asda vouchers, so got some drink in. No doubt the usual idiots will think I'm daft, but it's my choice.
  3. Good. Cos there's no fucking chance red23 is getting it.
  4. I'm not getting my machine till Xmas day, but shop down the road was selling these for £5. They had 4. All purchased.
  5. I was on Facebook marketplace the other day, and there were numerous ads for dunnotar, all with different "sellers" on each advert... Anyway, picked up this from a charity shop the other day. Not a "fleet" fan, but If see a random top I'll buy it..
  6. Still not great for the anxiety, this carry on. Works Xmas night out on Friday, paid my £40 but I'm now unsure of going, we are going to visit friends and family on Sunday, I'm thinking do I go to the meal, have a couple of pints and head home, or do I take the hit on the £40 and keep myself and everyone else safe?? Please don't be c***s when replying to this. There could be other people in the same boat on here, mental health is shite just now, and all this new stuff said today ain't helping.
  7. I get rather annoyed if my wife uses one of my good beer glasses to put milk in. I would like to think I'm not in the minority here. But you never know.....
  8. Just me and the wife on Xmas day. She's got me a sub beer machine, so a couple of kegs shall be chilled on Xmas eve. Up at whenever we can be arsed on Xmas day, croissants and prosseco for breakfast, presents opened, watch a bit of telly, lunch then down to bowling club for pints.
  9. If you're going near a shop in the morning, bring a roll to me.
  10. @Marten is great contributer on the random matches thread.
  11. Don't worry about a del amitri concert. Nothing ever happens.
  12. Regan hendry not getting a game at forest green. Come on, bring him home, even if it's just on loan till the end of the season....
  13. Anybody else feeling like Shite after getting the booster??
  14. Ours is next Friday. Well, maybe. Had a feeling when I paid my £40 about a month ago that a new variant would make an Xmas appearance..
  15. We need to get a proper striker signed up in January. A proper poacher.
  16. From tesco?? I saw It in our local one the other night, no price on the shelves, but can't imagine it was cheap.
  17. We've got an anti-vaxxer on the wife's side of the family. Good fucking grief. To make matters worse, he was quite ill with covid earlier on in the year.
  18. Couple of these tonight, and 8 lovely cans going in the fridge for tomorrow.
  19. One thing that's wrong with this thread, is people sneering at other posters for being quite happy to wear masks or comply with social distancing for a bit longer. It's their fucking choice, so why let it bother you?? People's mental health has suffered from this whole thing, maybe some people are still struggling a bit??
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