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Everything posted by philpy

  1. It's a good coincendence that we released that retro top as the mid 90s were probably the last time we had such as exciting teams as the current one. Ok, we don't have a dalziel or Brewster type poacher, but still....
  2. Update. Took car up to a garage 2 minutes from the house, guy managed to get it back up and secured, and disconnected the wiring. Wouldn't take a penny for it. Phoned me back this morning, managed to source a regulator, it's coming from Germany so will be 2 weeks. £130 including parts and labour. Quite happy with that outcome.
  3. I'd knock both of them out. And every c**t on this forum.
  4. Cannot get my head around the sheer cuntage of the family. In the current climate it's going to be really hard for the "culprit" to get another job. FFS, if it snows again, let the scaffy build a snowman and let the salad dodging wee c**t knock it down. A fair result IMO.
  5. Oh hell no. I'd end up like the angry guy from chewin the fat . Thanks for the advice though, much appreciated
  6. Polish deli opened in musselburgh, so got a couple of beers to try
  7. 59 plate seat altea. Going to take it round to the garage I bought it from on Monday and get them to have a look.
  8. What a c**t of a day. On the way to work, my driver's side window decided to fall right inside the door. AA came to look at it, but he wasn't able to get into the window to pull it up to secure it. Window is currently covered with a mixture of polythene and bin bags and is taped up to f**k. This ever happened to anyone else and If so what were the costs involved??
  9. Ah yes. "Canny wear a mask cos ma Assma, but gie me 40 regal king-size"
  10. Did anyone watch the panorama special tonight?? Truly heartbreaking listening to what those families went through. Yet we still have the idiots saying it's all fake...
  11. Doesn't matter, it'll still be bigger than you.
  12. I'm more looking forward to being able to see my parents and family than I am to having a pint to be honest. I'll certainly not be going to packed pubs straight away anyway, everywhere will be a fucking nightmare.
  13. A guy I know along with his 2 sons, have all tested positive. Absolutely no sympathy for them though, as they never wear masks.
  14. There's a petition doing the rounds on Facebook to keep Martindale in the job. Signed it straight away. I'm a Raith fan, but it's good to see he's turned himself around. We are in a time where people's mental health is suffering, the SFA need to consider that as well.
  15. You should be launched in the fucking bin for suggesting that. Anyways, mini "boost" bars should be introduced to the heroes tins. Very underrated chocolate bar IMO.
  16. You can get cream for that.
  17. We've put a fair bit of timber out to avant and miller sites the last two weeks. The latter got 8 lots of finishing MDF stuff. No sign of slowing down there .
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