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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Got ten of these down at the shop for all of £11.90. and I'll be having a couple of nips from the one in the second pic. Nice present from a generous customer.
  2. Apparently east Lothian could become an epicentre after the festive period due to the rising numbers. Fucking great. Going back to people talking about having or had the virus, I'm still convinced the wife and I had it at the tail end of last year. I was fucked for the best part of 2 weeks, was sweating like f**k and out of puff after even walking up the stairs. Had a couple of whiskys at Hogmanay and couldn't taste them. I'm sure the resident experts will be along to accuse me of making it up and claiming the virus wasn't in the country back then. I've had the flu and the cold, but not to the extent of losing my sense of taste.
  3. Ah yes. Them. They do lot of good charity work, but by f**k the woman is Is irratating as f**k. Stupid squeaky voice.
  4. Black pudding, and fried egg. In fact, eggs cooked any way. Black pudding has the worst effect out of the two.
  5. A couple of the charity shops in musselburgh I often hand stuff into and browse the vinyl records have staff with learning difficulties, I am quite worried about their mental health as the volunteering and social interaction is a lifeline for them.
  6. When do brechin kick off?? Every 15 minutes.
  7. I had you down as "the coloured circle c**t" at one point, but wise words and good advice there. Spot on.
  8. Fucking struggling to take this all in, and I'm now wondering what the point in getting up in the morning is. I'm now extremely concerned about what next year will fucking bring. Will the vaccine be effective towards this so called new strain??
  9. What a shambles. In short, we are fucked.
  10. Today's haul. 2 Belgian ones are a 7% and an 8%, so I don't think I'll get through the whole lot tonight
  11. Local shop selling this for £1.19 a bottle. Very nice, will buy more on payday.
  12. Puts my stupid wee rant yesterday into perspective somewhat. heart goes out to you and the family sir.
  13. If you are aware of someone who is continuing to drive after being just given a 20 month ban for drink driving (4 times the limit), would you shop them??
  14. Really?? I've seen folk greeting on FB about not getting for a pint. I have a couple of friends who run pubs, so I don't know how you think I'm being selfish with my attitude. We've supported local pubs where we can, buying takeaway pints rather than giving supermarkets my money. I'm sorry for feeling a wee bit shite about venting my feelings about not getting to see my family over Xmas, yes I know I'm not in the minority, but I was feeling a bit angry about the whole thing.
  15. The folk crowing about the boozers being shut need to realise it ain't the end of the fucking world. Mental is affecting people left right and centre, surely far more important than pubs. For the first time in my life, I'm having to post my parent's Xmas presents out rather than take them in person. Yeah we could see them, but my mum has had cancer and my dad has asthma, and the elderly relatives we would normally go and see also have health issues. I'm more upset about that than I am about going for a fucking pint.
  16. Get this ridiculous tier system in the fucking bin. It's clearly not working.
  17. Joseph and Mary are at bethlehem. They have to make an Xmas conference call but they can't. There is no zoom at the Inn.
  18. It’s a fucking nightmare trying to cancel subscriptions with them. Everytime I've phoned they've tried to talk me out of it and give me cheaper boxes. Ended up emailing them and got the subscription cancelled no problem.
  19. This. Then they give you a dirty look for not pulling out when they are waving you out.
  20. Can't get my head around people who'd pay daft money for clothing or footwear. One of the wife's pal's daughter, wants a pair of £350 trainers for Xmas. She is 13. She's had appendecitis this week (no, that's not the name of the fucking trainers). She'll probably now get them through the sympathy vote.
  21. Can I add people who let folk out of a junction where there are traffic lights up ahead that are at green??
  22. Wish the ayr keeper would stop banging his studs off the post. Keep thinking some c**t is chapping my letterbox
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