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Everything posted by philpy

  1. At least your on a staple diet. Just kidding, hope you are better soon
  2. Argos. Shower of c***s. Bought one of those universal remote controls for the TV upstairs, as the remote wasn't working properly (yes, I did change the fucking battery), didn't work after trying all the codes, took it back but they wouldn't accept it because I'd opened the packaging. How the f**k was I meant to take it out to see if it worked with the TV??
  3. It’s good when you get a bag of really nippy ones eh?? If I'm struggling with my pints at the pub (whatever they are ), I get a packet or 2.
  4. Speaking to a driver from a supplier about the game last night, he said he doesn't watch Scotland as he's a rangers fan and hates the SFA.
  5. Assistant boss had to leave early today, his wife has tested positive. Won't have to take a test unless he shows symptoms. Manager also found out today we have been delivering to a site where two of the workers have tested positive, and the company owner hadn't bothered to phone all his suppliers. To say he isn't happy would be an understatement....
  6. I walked across a patch that maybe I shouldn't have walked across, but anyway.. See at one end of the pond theres a bit with railings and 2 benches facing each other?? I walked around the right hand side and cut across the grass and some weeds (I think they were at least!) just before the wee bridge and got that shot from just beside the edge of the pond.
  7. I'm 43. I behave like a right grumpy old c**t though. I'll moan about everything.
  8. St Clements is a shithole, no doubt some blob who's making her kids fat aswell with relentless takeaways. Yup. It's no glamorous over there. I've no heard any fireworks from the area so something must be wrong . For the record, the "food" they didn't get was from pepe's in musselburgh. Says it all really...
  9. The helles lager you brewed, is it hoppy at all?? I'm trying to broaden my horizons a bit, I drink far too much porters and stouts, and my stomach suffers badly at times, so I'm going to try some lagers and ipa's. I don't like anything too hoppy, for instance I've been drinking the "brel" that williams bros brew for Aldi, and that's quite decent.
  10. That looks lovely Bairnardo. I'd love to try homebrewing, but I've not got the patience. Anyway, I'm having this. Tastes like a crunchie bar, but it's not described as a porter or a stout.
  11. Pin badge ordered. I'm a raith fan, but some of the money going to MND is brilliant . My wife is a distant relation of doddie weir, so it's pretty close to home.
  12. Her favourite is walking down the stairs empty handed and saying "can you bring the washing basket down with you".
  13. I've been awake for the last half hour, as she decided to wake me up in a panic because she can't remember bringing her make up bag which also had her jewellery in it, home from our weekend break. I suggested it may be in her rucksack, as its the last thing she lifted. It's not in there, she says. I look straight away, and lo and behold, it's in the fucking rucksack.
  14. This was on offer in booths in Keswick, £42 down to £21. Very nice as well.
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